Actividad sísmica percibida en Costa Rica durante el 2017
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Porras Loría, Juan Luis
Linkimer Abarca, Lepolt
Arroyo Hidalgo, Ivonne Gabriela
Arroyo Solórzano, Mario
Taylor Castillo, Magda
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Durante el 2017 la Red Sismológica Nacional (RSN: UCR-ICE) localizó 2755 sismos y reportó 216 eventos sentidos por la población, incluyendo cuatro sismos relevantes con magnitudes (Mw) de entre 5,5 y 6,3. La mayoría (91%) de los sismos percibidos fueron superficiales (< 30 km) y el 63% tuvo una magnitud baja (Mw < 3,9). El fallamiento local y el regional provocaron el 62 % de los sismos sentidos, mientras que el resto de los sismos fueron originados por el proceso de subducción de la placa del Coco. Las zonas con la sismicidad más alta fueron Jacó y los volcanes Irazú y Poás. La intensidad Mercalli Modificada máxima observada durante el 2017 fue de VI+ debido al sismo de Jacó (Mw 6,3).
During 2017, the National Seismological Network (RSN: UCR-ICE) located 2755 earthquakes and reported 216 felt events, including four significant earthquakes with magnitudes Mw between 5.5 and 6.3. The majority (91%) of the felt earthquakes were shallow (< 30 km) and 63 % had low magnitudes (Mw < 3.9). Local and regional faulting caused 62% of the felt earthquakes and the remaining were originated by the subduction of the Cocos plate. The geographic areas with the highest seismicity were located near Jaco and the Irazú and Poas volcanoes. The highest Modified Mercalli intensity observed was VI+ caused by the Jaco (6.3 Mw) earthquake.
During 2017, the National Seismological Network (RSN: UCR-ICE) located 2755 earthquakes and reported 216 felt events, including four significant earthquakes with magnitudes Mw between 5.5 and 6.3. The majority (91%) of the felt earthquakes were shallow (< 30 km) and 63 % had low magnitudes (Mw < 3.9). Local and regional faulting caused 62% of the felt earthquakes and the remaining were originated by the subduction of the Cocos plate. The geographic areas with the highest seismicity were located near Jaco and the Irazú and Poas volcanoes. The highest Modified Mercalli intensity observed was VI+ caused by the Jaco (6.3 Mw) earthquake.
Palabras clave
Actividad sísmica, Escala de Intensidad de Mercalli Modificada (MMI), Magnitud Momento (Mw), Subducción, Fallamiento local, Seismic activity, Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI), Moment Magnitude (Mw), Subduction, Local Faulting