Cómo el uso de varias plataformas moldea la conciencia sobre los algoritmos: análisis de Netflix y Spotify
tesis de maestría
Espinoza Rojas, Johan
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La presente investigación examina cómo el uso de múltiples plataformas está relacionado
con la conciencia que tienen las personas sobre los algoritmos computacionales de
recomendación, especialmente del caso de Netflix y Spotify. El trabajo se basa en la
noción de que las personas usuarias interactúan con ecologías o entornos de tecnologías
en lugar de plataformas únicas. A diferencia de investigaciones que se han centrado en
este campo, se trabajó desde una metodología mixta, en la primera fase se utilizó un
cuestionario en el que participaron 258 personas, luego, en la segunda fase, se realizaron
21 entrevistas semiestructuradas en profundidad con el fin de obtener un mayor matiz de
la información recolectada. Se estudió el nivel de conciencia que estas personas tenían
sobre los algoritmos de recomendación, las acciones que las personas usuarias llevaban a
cabo para obtener mejores recomendaciones, actitudes hacia estos códigos y el nivel de
excitación emocional. Se consideró también la necesidad de pensar cómo los medios
digitales proveen gratificaciones a las y los usuarios, con el fin de profundizar en el
entendimiento de su relación con los algoritmos. Los resultados de la investigación
demostraron que las personas usuarias multi-plataforma (utilizan tanto Netflix como
Spotify) son más conscientes de los algoritmos de recomendación que las uni-plataforma
(utilizan solo una de las plataformas de streaming mencionadas). También fue posible
observar que las personas usuarias multi-plataforma llevaron a cabo acciones más
prácticas para obtener recomendaciones algorítmicas que las uni-plataforma. Aunque el
tipo de persona usuaria no predijo las actitudes de los participantes hacia las
recomendaciones algorítmicas, los niveles más altos de conciencia se asociaron con
actitudes más positivas hacia los algoritmos. El estudio también muestra que las
diferencias en los niveles de conciencia explican la excitación emocional de las personas
usuarias derivada de los algoritmos.
This paper examines how the use of multiple platforms is tied to awareness of recommendation algorithms, especially in the case of Netflix and Spotify. It builds on the notion that users interact with ecologies or environments of technologies rather than single platforms. Unlike research that has focused on this field, we worked from a mixed methodology, using a survey of 258 participants in the first phase and then 21 in-depth semistructured interviews to give more meaning to the information collected. The level of awareness that users had about the recommendation algorithms was studied, the actions that users carried out to obtain better recommendations, attitudes towards these codes and the level of emotional arousal. The need to think about how digital media provide rewards to users was also considered, to deepen the understanding of their relationship with algorithms. Working with two platforms gave the possibility to compare the views of multi-platform users (they used both Netflix and Spotify) and single-platform users (they used only one of them). Findings demonstrate that multi-platform users were more aware of algorithms. It was also possible to observe that multi-platform user carried out more practical actions to obtain algorithmic recommendations than single-platform users. Although user type did not predict participants’ attitudes towards algorithmic recommendations, higher levels of awareness were associated with more positive attitudes towards algorithms. The study also shows that differences in levels of awareness explained users’ emotional arousal derived from algorithms.
This paper examines how the use of multiple platforms is tied to awareness of recommendation algorithms, especially in the case of Netflix and Spotify. It builds on the notion that users interact with ecologies or environments of technologies rather than single platforms. Unlike research that has focused on this field, we worked from a mixed methodology, using a survey of 258 participants in the first phase and then 21 in-depth semistructured interviews to give more meaning to the information collected. The level of awareness that users had about the recommendation algorithms was studied, the actions that users carried out to obtain better recommendations, attitudes towards these codes and the level of emotional arousal. The need to think about how digital media provide rewards to users was also considered, to deepen the understanding of their relationship with algorithms. Working with two platforms gave the possibility to compare the views of multi-platform users (they used both Netflix and Spotify) and single-platform users (they used only one of them). Findings demonstrate that multi-platform users were more aware of algorithms. It was also possible to observe that multi-platform user carried out more practical actions to obtain algorithmic recommendations than single-platform users. Although user type did not predict participants’ attitudes towards algorithmic recommendations, higher levels of awareness were associated with more positive attitudes towards algorithms. The study also shows that differences in levels of awareness explained users’ emotional arousal derived from algorithms.
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