Riego restringido en cinco cultivares de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
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Rivera G., Juan Carlos
Chaves F., Carlos A
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El Uso Consuntivo total fue de 34,17cm con valores mensuales de 11,37; 13,67 y 9,100cm para febrero, marzo y abril respectivamente. La cantidad de agua aplicada en cada riego llevó el porcentaje de humedad del suelo a valores que variaron de 71,7 a 75,5%. Entre el cuarto y quinto riego (de los 51 a 66 días después de la siembra) ocurrió la mayor reducción en el porcentaje de humedad del suelo, de 74,7 a 52,1%; esto correspondió con una reducción del 66% del agua útil lo que concuerda con los resultados obtenidos por otros autores (9,10,12,13) los que detectaron el máximo consumo de agua en la floración, periodo crítico de consumo de agua (2,11,14). Los valores del coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) mensual fueron 0,89; 0,90 y 0,57, estos mostraron una tendencia similar a la encontrada por Tosso (13) el que estableció un valor máximo de 0,92 (Kc) alrededor de los 50 días (transcurrido el 60% de desarrollo del cultivo)
An experiment was conducted at the Fabio Baudrit Experimental Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica, in order to evaluate the effect of restricted irrigation on the bean cultivars: Porrillo Sintetico, ICTA-Jutiapan, Talamanca, ICA-Pijao, and Turrialba 4. The variation of the crop coefficient (Kc) was determined. The experimental design used was randomized block with six replications. Surface irrigation was supplied. The total compsuntive use was 34.17cm and the partial monthly values of the crop coefficient were succesively 0.89, 0.90 and 0.57. The average Kc value was 0.78. There were significatively different responses on flowering percentages, pods per plant and dry weight of 100 seeds at 76 and 90 days. The yield was statistically the same for ICA-Pijao, Talamanca, Porrillo Sintetico and ICTA-Jutiapan cultivars, and Turrialba 4 was lower only to ICA-Pijao and ICTA-Jutiapan.
An experiment was conducted at the Fabio Baudrit Experimental Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica, in order to evaluate the effect of restricted irrigation on the bean cultivars: Porrillo Sintetico, ICTA-Jutiapan, Talamanca, ICA-Pijao, and Turrialba 4. The variation of the crop coefficient (Kc) was determined. The experimental design used was randomized block with six replications. Surface irrigation was supplied. The total compsuntive use was 34.17cm and the partial monthly values of the crop coefficient were succesively 0.89, 0.90 and 0.57. The average Kc value was 0.78. There were significatively different responses on flowering percentages, pods per plant and dry weight of 100 seeds at 76 and 90 days. The yield was statistically the same for ICA-Pijao, Talamanca, Porrillo Sintetico and ICTA-Jutiapan cultivars, and Turrialba 4 was lower only to ICA-Pijao and ICTA-Jutiapan.