Memorias en torno a los procesos de producción territorial en Río Azul de La Unión, entre 1963 y 2018: construcción de sentidos, conflictos y estigmas territoriales
tesis doctoral
Mora Solano, Sindy
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Esta investigación tiene por objetivo general analizar las memorias de vecinas y vecinos de Río Azul en torno al proceso de producción territorial de su distrito, entre 1963 y 2018. En Río Azul, distrito del cantón de La Unión de la provincia de Cartago, se instaló un botadero de basura a cielo abierto que recibió los residuos sólidos de la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM), entre 1973 y el 2007. Luego del cierre del botadero, Río Azul volvió a ser objeto de la discusión pública, debido a las disputas territoriales por el narcotráfico, que se han expresado en actos de violencia y asesinatos. Mediante un marco teórico que posiciona el carácter colectivo de las memorias y las teorías de la justicia ambiental, en la investigación se analiza la construcción de sentidos de habitantes de la comunidad en relación con el proceso de producción territorial del distrito. Asimismo, se estudian los conflictos que articulan las memorias de vecinas y vecinos de la comunidad y los mecanismos de apropiación, reproducción y distanciamiento de los estigmas territoriales. La tesis concluye que las memorias de las personas entrevistadas en la investigación se producen mediante un proceso de idealización del pasado rioazuleño, que es interpretado a la luz del mito de las edades de Hesíodo, de acuerdo con el cual la “edad dorada” de la comunidad fue degenerándose hasta transformar a Río Azul en una zona de sacrificio.
The general objective of this research is to analyze the memories of residents of Río Azul regarding the territorial production process of their district, between 1963 and 2018. In Río Azul, a district of the canton of La Unión in the province of Cartago, was installed an open-air garbage dump, that received solid waste from the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM), between 1973 and 2007. After the closure of the dump, Río Azul once again became the object of public discussion, related to territorial disputes over drug trafficking, which has been expressed in acts of violence and murders. Through a theoretical framework that positions the collective nature of memories and theories of environmental justice, the research analyzes the construction of meanings of community inhabitants in relation to the process of territorial production of the district. At the same time, the conflicts that articulate the memories of neighbors of the community and the mechanisms of appropriation, reproduction and distancing of territorial stigmas are studied. The thesis concludes that the memories of the people interviewed in the research are produced through a process of idealization of the past, which is interpreted considering Hesiod's myth of the ages, according to which the “golden age” of the community degenerated until Río Azul became a sacrifice zone.
The general objective of this research is to analyze the memories of residents of Río Azul regarding the territorial production process of their district, between 1963 and 2018. In Río Azul, a district of the canton of La Unión in the province of Cartago, was installed an open-air garbage dump, that received solid waste from the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM), between 1973 and 2007. After the closure of the dump, Río Azul once again became the object of public discussion, related to territorial disputes over drug trafficking, which has been expressed in acts of violence and murders. Through a theoretical framework that positions the collective nature of memories and theories of environmental justice, the research analyzes the construction of meanings of community inhabitants in relation to the process of territorial production of the district. At the same time, the conflicts that articulate the memories of neighbors of the community and the mechanisms of appropriation, reproduction and distancing of territorial stigmas are studied. The thesis concludes that the memories of the people interviewed in the research are produced through a process of idealization of the past, which is interpreted considering Hesiod's myth of the ages, according to which the “golden age” of the community degenerated until Río Azul became a sacrifice zone.
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