Inequidades geográficas y tuberculosis en Costa Rica, 2008-2012
artículo original
Chamizo García, Horacio Alejandro
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se presenta un estudio exploratorio ecológico sobre la tuberculosis en Costa Rica, sus inequidades geográficas y determinantes sociales. Se calculó la tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad por tuberculosis, el riesgo relativo de enfermar y morir por unidades territoriales (del año 2008 al 2012) y se representó cartográficamente. Se analizó el patrón espacial de la morbilidad y la mortalidad por tuberculosis estableciendo correlaciones lineales con diversos indicadores socioeconómicos como el índice de desarrollo humano, Gini y un indicador sintético de calidad ambiental a nivel doméstico y comunal. Los territorios con mayor riesgo de enfermar y morir se localizan hacia zonas fronterizas y costeras; lo mismo sucede con las peores condiciones socioeconómicas y calidad ambiental. El artículo evidencia que, en la medida que empeoran las condiciones socioeconómicas y ambientales en los cantones, se incrementa el riesgo de tuberculosis.
This paper presents an exploratory ecological study on tuberculosis in Costa Rica, its geographical inequities, and social determinants. The tuberculosis morbidity and mortality rate, the relative risk of sick, and die by territorial unit are calculated (since 2008 to 2012) and represented cartographically. The spatial pattern of tuberculosis morbidity and mortality was analyzed establishing correlations with socio-economical indexes, such as the human development index, Gini, and a synthetic indicator of environmental quality at household and community levels. The areas with the highest risk of getting sick and dying are found to border and coastal regions; the same happens with the lower socioeconomic status and environmental quality. The article demonstrates that, as socio-economic and environmental conditions in the cantons get worst, the risk of tuberculosis increases.
This paper presents an exploratory ecological study on tuberculosis in Costa Rica, its geographical inequities, and social determinants. The tuberculosis morbidity and mortality rate, the relative risk of sick, and die by territorial unit are calculated (since 2008 to 2012) and represented cartographically. The spatial pattern of tuberculosis morbidity and mortality was analyzed establishing correlations with socio-economical indexes, such as the human development index, Gini, and a synthetic indicator of environmental quality at household and community levels. The areas with the highest risk of getting sick and dying are found to border and coastal regions; the same happens with the lower socioeconomic status and environmental quality. The article demonstrates that, as socio-economic and environmental conditions in the cantons get worst, the risk of tuberculosis increases.
Palabras clave
heterogeneidad social, tuberculosis, condiciones de salud, geografía humana, determinantes de la morbilidad, determinantes de la mortalidad, Costa Rica, social heterogeneity, tuberculosis, health conditions, human geography, morbidity determinants, mortality determinants, Costa Rica