Degradabilidad ruminal de la planta de sorgo negro forrajero (Sorghum almum) en diferentes etapas de crecimiento.
artículo original
Boschini Figueroa, Carlos
Amador R., Ana Lorena
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El trabajo se llevó a cabo con el propósito de conocer la degradabilidad ruminal de la materia seca del sorgo negro forrajero, cultivado en una zona alta de Costa Rica. Se tomaron muestras en diferentes etapas de crecimiento de la planta. El estudio se realizó en la Estación Experimental "Alfredo Volio Mata" de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El cultivo fue sembrado con 18 kg/ha de semilla (88% semilla pura germinable), distribuida a chorro continuo en surcos distanciados a 70 cm. Se fertilizó con 244 kg de la fórmula comercial 10-30-10 (N2, P2O5, K2O) y a las seis semanas se aplicaron 45,5 kg/ha de nitrógeno. El primer muestreo se realizó a los 24 días de edad y los siguientes, cada 14 días, hasta los 150 días. Se determinó la degradabilidad potencial de la materia seca en las hojas, tallos, panojas. La degradabilidad potencial de la planta entera disminuyó de 90 a 75% conforme aumentó la edad durante los primeros 94 días. En el tallo, la fracción soluble disminuyó de 32 a 23%, mientras que la hoja bajó de 30 a 16%. La fracción degradable en el tallo disminuy ó de 57 a 46% con el desarrollo de la planta, en tanto que en la hoja aumentó de 56 a 69%. La velocidad de degradaci ón del tallo fue de 4,7 %/h a los 52 días y en la hoja de 8,6 %/h. De 66 a 94 días fue de 2,6%/h en el tallo y en la hoja de 5,4 %/h, 3,3 %/h y 3,8 %/h a los 66, 80 y 94 días, respectivamente.
The purpose of this study was to determine the ruminal degradability of dry material of black sorghum fodder, cultivated in the highlands of Costa Rica. Samples were taken at different growth periods of the plant. The study was conducted at the Alfredo Volio Mata Experimental Station of the University of Costa Rica. The crop was planted with 18 kg/ha of seed (88% pure germinal seed), distributed continuously in furrows separated by 70 cm. It was fertilized with 244 kg of 10-30-10 (N2, P2O5, K2O) and after 6 weeks, 45.5 kg/ha of nitrogen was applied. The first sample was taken after 24 days and then every 14 days for a total of 150 days. The potential degradability of the dry material was determined for the leaves, stems and panicles. The potential degradability of the whole plant diminished from 90% to 75% as the plant grew during the first 94 days. In the stem, the soluble part diminished from 32% to 23%, while that of the leaves was reduced from 30% to 16%. The degradable portion in the stem was reduced from 57% to 46% as the plant developed, while that of the leaves increased from 56% to 69%. The degradation rate in the stems was 4.7%/h after 52 days and in the leaves it was 8.6%/h. Between the 66th and the 94th days it was 2.6 %/h in the stems. In the leaves it was 5.4%/h, 3.3%/h and 3.8%/h on the 66 th, 80 th and 94 th day, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to determine the ruminal degradability of dry material of black sorghum fodder, cultivated in the highlands of Costa Rica. Samples were taken at different growth periods of the plant. The study was conducted at the Alfredo Volio Mata Experimental Station of the University of Costa Rica. The crop was planted with 18 kg/ha of seed (88% pure germinal seed), distributed continuously in furrows separated by 70 cm. It was fertilized with 244 kg of 10-30-10 (N2, P2O5, K2O) and after 6 weeks, 45.5 kg/ha of nitrogen was applied. The first sample was taken after 24 days and then every 14 days for a total of 150 days. The potential degradability of the dry material was determined for the leaves, stems and panicles. The potential degradability of the whole plant diminished from 90% to 75% as the plant grew during the first 94 days. In the stem, the soluble part diminished from 32% to 23%, while that of the leaves was reduced from 30% to 16%. The degradable portion in the stem was reduced from 57% to 46% as the plant developed, while that of the leaves increased from 56% to 69%. The degradation rate in the stems was 4.7%/h after 52 days and in the leaves it was 8.6%/h. Between the 66th and the 94th days it was 2.6 %/h in the stems. In the leaves it was 5.4%/h, 3.3%/h and 3.8%/h on the 66 th, 80 th and 94 th day, respectively.