Maduración del solomo (Biceps femoris) en vacas de descarte Bos indicus y Bos taurus
artículo original
Cubero Rojas, Roger Alonso
Mora Peraza, Eliana Gabriela
WingChing Jones, Rodolfo
Calderón Villaplana, Sandra
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la maduración sobre la terneza del músculo Biceps femoris en vacas de descarte Bos indicus y Bos taurus. En la planta procesadora de Montecillos R.L., ubicada en Alajuela, se realizó la escogencia y sacrificio de los animales, la maduración y empaque al vacío de la carne. La cocción, determinación de la terneza y evaluación sensorial se llevó a cabo a los 0, 14 y 28 días de maduración, en el Laboratorio de Análisis Sensorial del Centro de Investigaciones en Tecnología de Alimentos de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ubicado en San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, en julio del año 2011. De acuerdo con la evaluación instrumental, la especie y la cronometría dental no fueron factores significativos en la determinación de la terneza de la carne, mientras que el tiempo de maduración sí mostró cambios altamente significativos (p>0,001) sobre el mismo parámetro. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron a los 28 días, donde B. indicus mostró 3,78 kg de fuerza al corte, mientras que para B. taurus se obtuvo 3,88 kg. En la evaluación sensorial, los animales B. indicus se calificaron como más jugosos (p=0,016) y con mejor sabor (p<0,001).Se determinó una relación inversa entre sabor y tiempo de maduración, lo cual indicó que a mayor tiempo de maduración el sabor de la carne se volvió menos agradable al paladar.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of maturation on the Biceps femoris muscle tenderness in Bos indicus and Bos taurus cull cows. The selection and harvesting of animals, the maturation and packaging procedures were performed at Montecillos R.L. slaughterhouse, located in Alajuela. The cooking, tenderness and sensory evaluations was carried out at 0, 14 and 28 days of ripening, in the Sensory Analysis Laboratory Research Center for Food Technology (CITA) of the University of Costa Rica, located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, in July 2011. According to the instrumental assessment, species and dental chomometry were not significant factors in determining the tenderness of the meat, while maturation time showed highly significant changes (p>0,001) over the same parameter. The best maturation times were obtained at day 28; the cutting force was 3.78 in B. indicus and whereas B. taurus 3.88 kg was found. In the sensory evaluation, the animals B. indicus were rated juicier (p>0.016) and better tasting (p>0.001) rated B. indicus animals as juicier (p=0.016) and better tasting (p<0.001). An inverse relationship between taste and ripening time, which indicated that the longer the ripening flavor of the meat became less palatable.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of maturation on the Biceps femoris muscle tenderness in Bos indicus and Bos taurus cull cows. The selection and harvesting of animals, the maturation and packaging procedures were performed at Montecillos R.L. slaughterhouse, located in Alajuela. The cooking, tenderness and sensory evaluations was carried out at 0, 14 and 28 days of ripening, in the Sensory Analysis Laboratory Research Center for Food Technology (CITA) of the University of Costa Rica, located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, in July 2011. According to the instrumental assessment, species and dental chomometry were not significant factors in determining the tenderness of the meat, while maturation time showed highly significant changes (p>0,001) over the same parameter. The best maturation times were obtained at day 28; the cutting force was 3.78 in B. indicus and whereas B. taurus 3.88 kg was found. In the sensory evaluation, the animals B. indicus were rated juicier (p>0.016) and better tasting (p>0.001) rated B. indicus animals as juicier (p=0.016) and better tasting (p<0.001). An inverse relationship between taste and ripening time, which indicated that the longer the ripening flavor of the meat became less palatable.
Palabras clave
Maduración de la carne, Suavidad de la carne, Industrialización de la carne, Beef maturation, Beef tenderness, Beef industrialization