Estado de situación de las Organizaciones Comunitarias de Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento (OCSAS) en el cantón de San Ramón, Alajuela
comunicación de congreso
Muñoz Amores, Adriana Patricia
Méndez Montero, Ana Carolina
Mora Moya, Jéssica Alejandra
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Este artículo presenta una caracterización
de las Organizaciones Comunitarias de Servicios
de Agua y Saneamiento (conocidas a nivel
latinoamericano como OCSAS), existentes en
el cantón San Ramón, haciendo énfasis en los
niveles de desarrollo, definidos según el porcentaje
de avance en cada una de las variables analizadas,
lo cual permite evidenciar cuáles áreas
están consolidadas y cuáles son áreas de mejora
que comparten todas. Los resultados indican que
estas organizaciones que brindan el servicio de
agua potable son el segundo ente operador con
más presencia en el cantón, después del Instituto
Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados
(AyA) abasteciendo a casi un 50% del total de
la población. Estas son organizaciones diversas
en su composición y formas de apropiación y
abastecimiento del servicio, algunas con niveles
más básicos de gestión, otras con planificaciones
de largo plazo, reconocimiento local e incidencia
política. Se evidencia un avance mayor en aquellas
variables que se vinculan con los “Índices
de Calidad del Servicio Delegado (ICSD)”, establecidas
por el AyA, a saber: calidad, cantidad,
continuidad, cobertura y costo; mostrando que las
OCSAS analizadas se ubican en niveles de alto
y mediano desarrollo. Por su parte, las variables
que se encontraron con bajo desarrollo resultan de instrumentos de planificación, que son recientemente
reconocidos por su importancia en la
gestión y además solicitados por las instituciones
reguladoras, o bien, se refieren a los estudios
técnicos, debido sobre todo a su costo.
This article presents a characterization of the Community Organizations of Water and Sanitation Services (known at the Latin American level as OCSAS), existing in the San Ramón canton, emphasizing the levels of development, defined according to the percentage of progress in each of the variables analyzed; this makes it possible to show which areas are consolidated and which are areas for improvement that they all share. The results indicate that these organizations that provide the drinking water service are the second largest operating entity in the canton, after the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA), supplying almost 50% of the total population. These organizations are diverse in their composition and forms of appropriation and provision of the service, some with more basic levels of management, others with long-term planning, local recognition and political influence. Greater progress is evident in those variables that are linked to the “Indices of Quality of the Delegated Service (ICSD)”, established by AyA, namely: quality, quantity, continuity, coverage and cost; showing that the OCSAS analyzed are located at levels of high and medium development. On the other hand, the variables that were found to be underdeveloped result from planning instruments, which are recently recognized for their importance in management and also requested by regulatory institutions, or refer to technical studies, mainly due to Its cost.
This article presents a characterization of the Community Organizations of Water and Sanitation Services (known at the Latin American level as OCSAS), existing in the San Ramón canton, emphasizing the levels of development, defined according to the percentage of progress in each of the variables analyzed; this makes it possible to show which areas are consolidated and which are areas for improvement that they all share. The results indicate that these organizations that provide the drinking water service are the second largest operating entity in the canton, after the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA), supplying almost 50% of the total population. These organizations are diverse in their composition and forms of appropriation and provision of the service, some with more basic levels of management, others with long-term planning, local recognition and political influence. Greater progress is evident in those variables that are linked to the “Indices of Quality of the Delegated Service (ICSD)”, established by AyA, namely: quality, quantity, continuity, coverage and cost; showing that the OCSAS analyzed are located at levels of high and medium development. On the other hand, the variables that were found to be underdeveloped result from planning instruments, which are recently recognized for their importance in management and also requested by regulatory institutions, or refer to technical studies, mainly due to Its cost.
Palabras clave
Acueductos comunales, Gestión comunitaria del agua, Abastecimiento del agua potable, Gestión del agua, Organizaciones Comunitarias de Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento (OCSAS), Community water management, Drinking water supply, Community aqueducts, Community water and sanitation service organizations