Uso de agua para limpieza en una lechería del Valle Central de Costa Rica
artículo original
Elizondo Salazar, Jorge Alberto
Marín Hernández, David Ernesto
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La producción pecuaria a nivel mundial consume aproximadamente un tercio del agua de la actividad humana y 98% de la huella hídrica para producción animal es el agua requerida para producir su alimento. Parte del agua utilizada en los sistemas lecheros corresponde al agua de lavado y en Costa Rica no se cuenta con suficiente información de este tipo, por lo que el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo generar información con respecto al uso de agua de lavado en la lechería de la Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El estudio se llevó a cabo durante el segundo semestre del 2018. Se establecieron tres indicadores de eficiencia que consideraron cuatro variables: agua utilizada para lavado de instalaciones, superficie de piso expuesto a la excreción, animales presentes, y excretas generadas en las instalaciones. Los tres indicadores fueron: agua utilizada por kilogramo de excreta generada, agua utilizada por animal y agua utilizada por unidad de superficie. Para el primer indicador, se obtuvo un valor de 12,0 litros de agua por kilogramo de excreta generada; para el segundo indicador un valor de 104,0 litros por animal y finalmente para el tercer indicador, el agua utilizada por metro cuadrado de área expuesta fue de 7,3litros. La información generada puede servir de insumo para crear herramientas con el fin de identificar opciones para maximizar el uso y conservación del agua en los sistemas ganaderos para producción de leche.
Livestock production worldwide consumes approximately one third of the water of human activity and 98% of the water footprint for animal production is the water required to produce their feed. Some of the water used in milk production systems corresponds to cleaning water and in Costa Rica there is not enough information of this type, so this work aimed to generate information regarding the use of cleaning water in the Alfredo Volio Mata Dairy Cattle Experiment Station of the University of Costa Rica. The study was carried out during the second semester of 2018. Three water use efficiency indicators were established that considered four variables: water used for cleaning facilities, floor area exposed to fecal excretion, animals present, and excreta generated in the facilities. The three indicators were: water used per kilogram of excreta generated, water used per animal and water used per unit area. For the first indicator, a value of 12.0 liters of water per kilogram of excreta generated was obtained; for the second indicator a value of 104.0 liters of water per animal was generated and finally, for the third indicator, the water used per square meter was 7.3 liters. The information generated can serve as an input to create tools in order to identify options to maximize the use and conservation of water in livestock systems for milk production.
Livestock production worldwide consumes approximately one third of the water of human activity and 98% of the water footprint for animal production is the water required to produce their feed. Some of the water used in milk production systems corresponds to cleaning water and in Costa Rica there is not enough information of this type, so this work aimed to generate information regarding the use of cleaning water in the Alfredo Volio Mata Dairy Cattle Experiment Station of the University of Costa Rica. The study was carried out during the second semester of 2018. Three water use efficiency indicators were established that considered four variables: water used for cleaning facilities, floor area exposed to fecal excretion, animals present, and excreta generated in the facilities. The three indicators were: water used per kilogram of excreta generated, water used per animal and water used per unit area. For the first indicator, a value of 12.0 liters of water per kilogram of excreta generated was obtained; for the second indicator a value of 104.0 liters of water per animal was generated and finally, for the third indicator, the water used per square meter was 7.3 liters. The information generated can serve as an input to create tools in order to identify options to maximize the use and conservation of water in livestock systems for milk production.
Palabras clave
Ganado de leche, Huella hídrica, Ambiente, Escacez de agua, Sostenibilidad, Dairy cattle, Water footprint, Environment, Water scarcity, Sustainability