Percepción hacia la actividad física, calidad de vida, apoyo social y medio ambiente, por parte de personas adultas mayores que participan en un grupo programa de actividad física
Moya Castro, Diego Francisco
Álvarez Bogantes, Carlos
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El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la percepción hacia la actividad física, calidad de vida, apoyo social y medio ambiente, de personas adultas mayores que participan en un programa de actividad física de la Universidad de Costa Rica. El estudio fue cualitativo y se desarrolló mediante la observación, frases incompletas y entrevistas semi- estructuradas. Se contó con una muestra típica de 10 personas, con edades entre los 65 y los 85 años, que asisten a clases de ejercicio físico en el Recinto de Grecia. Para el análisis se realizó una triangulación por teorías, contrastando la información obtenida con el modelo ecológico de Bronfenbrenner a nivel intrapersonal, interpersonal y organizacional. Los resultados mostraron que, a través de la actividad física, participantes perciben mejoras en las destrezas físicas, salud mental y espiritualidad; son más conscientes de los beneficios, la independencia y la seguridad que genera esta práctica en su vida cotidiana. Además, se encontró que el apoyo entre pares y el apoyo familiar beneficia la adherencia a la actividad física. Por último, se percibió satisfacción por el ambiente grupal, ayudando a mejorar la calidad de vida de esta población. Se concluye que la actividad física genera una mejora a nivel integral, también el acompañamiento es fundamental para la adherencia y disfrute de la actividad física y las condiciones ambientales deben ser adecuadas a las necesidades de esta población para mejorar su calidad de vida.
The aim of this study was to determine the perception towards physical activity, the quality of life, social support and environment of the elderly who participate in a physical education program of the University of Costa Rica. A qualitative study was developed through observation, incomplete phrases and semi-structured interviews. There was a specific sample, 10 senior citizens ages 65 to 85, who attend physical education classes at the University of Costa Rica´s Campus in Grecia. Data analysis was carried out by a triangulation of theories, contrasting the obtained information with the ecological model of Bronfenbrenner at intrapersonal, interpersonal and organizational level. Results shown that through physical activity, participants have seen improvements on their physical skills, mental health and spirituality. They are also aware of the benefits, independence and security receiving through these activities in daily life. Furthermore, it was found that peer and family support is essential for adherence to physical activity. It was concluded that physical activity generates the elderly’s overall improvement, and the support they receive is essential for adherence and enjoyment. Besides, environmental conditions must be adequate to the needs of this population in order to improve their quality of life.
The aim of this study was to determine the perception towards physical activity, the quality of life, social support and environment of the elderly who participate in a physical education program of the University of Costa Rica. A qualitative study was developed through observation, incomplete phrases and semi-structured interviews. There was a specific sample, 10 senior citizens ages 65 to 85, who attend physical education classes at the University of Costa Rica´s Campus in Grecia. Data analysis was carried out by a triangulation of theories, contrasting the obtained information with the ecological model of Bronfenbrenner at intrapersonal, interpersonal and organizational level. Results shown that through physical activity, participants have seen improvements on their physical skills, mental health and spirituality. They are also aware of the benefits, independence and security receiving through these activities in daily life. Furthermore, it was found that peer and family support is essential for adherence to physical activity. It was concluded that physical activity generates the elderly’s overall improvement, and the support they receive is essential for adherence and enjoyment. Besides, environmental conditions must be adequate to the needs of this population in order to improve their quality of life.
Palabras clave
Persona mayor, Actividad física, CALIDAD DE VIDA, Apoyo social, MEDIO AMBIENTE, ELDERLY PEOPLE, SPORTS, QUALITY OF LIFE, Social support, ENVIRONMENT