Pesticide occurrence and water quality assessment from an agriculturally influenced Latin-American tropical region
artículo original
Ramírez Morales, Didier Daniel
Pérez Villanueva, Marta Eugenia
Chin Pampillo, Juan Salvador
Aguilar Mora, Paula
Arias Mora, Víctor
Masís Mora, Mario Alberto
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A monitoring study was carried out in three agriculturally influenced microcatchments in Costa Rica
during 2012e2014, for pesticides and water quality parameters. A total of 42 pesticides were analyzed,
detecting the following in water samples: two herbicides (oxyfluorfen, diuron), four insecticides (car bofuran, chlorpyrifos, oxamyl, ethion), and two fungicides (thiabendazole, carbendazim); while in
sediment samples only the insecticides, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin were found. Water quality was
also assessed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index and the
National Sanitation Water Quality Index, the first one classified most of the sampling point as marginal
and poor quality while the second one classified most of them as good quality, the most affected pa rameters were nitrate, phosphorous, suspended solids and organic matter content. The results suggest
that the water quality in the microcatchments seems to be affected by the nearby agricultural and urban
activities in the region.
Palabras clave
Surface water monitoring, Water quality index, Physicochemical analysis, SEDIMENTATION, Environmental risk, Ecotoxicology