Relevancia de la incorporación de la perspectiva intercultural en el cuidado y la promoción de la Salud
artículo original
López Borbón, Dilana
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El presente ensayo tiene como propósito reflexionar acerca de la relevancia de la perspectiva intercultural en la actualidad, considerando las implicaciones de las interacciones sociales en los contextos pluriculturales. Se enfatiza la importancia de su incorporación en el cuidado y la promoción de la salud que se realiza principalmente desde la enfermería. Se concibe la salud como un derecho por medio del cual se promueve la dignidad humana, equidad y justicia social. Por su parte, la interculturalidad fomenta la coherencia en las propuestas de salud y amplía la visión de cómo intervenir en este proceso. Adicionalmente, se promueve la reflexión en torno a la necesidad de sensibilizar a los y las profesionales con respecto a esta temática. Se concluye que es necesaria la integración de esta perspectiva para lograr un acercamiento e impacto positivo en la calidad de vida de la población garantizando el derecho a la salud.
The purpose of this essay is to reflect about the relevance on the intercultural perspective, taking into consideration the globalization process and social interactions in pluricultural contexts. The emphasis is incorporated this perspective in nursing care and health promotion. Firstly, health is considered a right which is possible to promote the dignity, equality and social justice. Moreover, intercultural perspective promotes the coherence between health strategies and social needs, through to extend the vision of health interventions. Following, it is relevant to incorporate this perspective in the professional education and daily practices. To conclude, it is necessary to integrate this perspective in the care provision and health promotion in order to have a positive impact in the society as well to guarantee the humans health right
The purpose of this essay is to reflect about the relevance on the intercultural perspective, taking into consideration the globalization process and social interactions in pluricultural contexts. The emphasis is incorporated this perspective in nursing care and health promotion. Firstly, health is considered a right which is possible to promote the dignity, equality and social justice. Moreover, intercultural perspective promotes the coherence between health strategies and social needs, through to extend the vision of health interventions. Following, it is relevant to incorporate this perspective in the professional education and daily practices. To conclude, it is necessary to integrate this perspective in the care provision and health promotion in order to have a positive impact in the society as well to guarantee the humans health right