Proyecto gerontológico de enriquecimiento intergeneracional entre personas mayores y universitarias para favorecer un envejecimiento activo
tesis de maestría
Herrera Sibaja, Marcia Rebeca
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La presente investigación aplicada ofreció a las personas participantes un espacio para
explorar y vivenciar el sentido de dar y recibir en las relaciones con personas significativas,
así como construir conocimiento acerca de cómo ser generativas y generativos para alcanzar
un envejecimiento activo. El grupo participante consistió en cuatro parejas de madre o padre
con hija o hijo, para un total de ocho personas.
Inicialmente se realizó un diagnóstico para determinar necesidades reales de quienes
participaron. Con base en las necesidades detectadas, se prosiguió con una propuesta de
programa para profundizar en la generatividad y la intergeneracionalidad, así como en formas
en que se pueden implementar. Se realizó una evaluación de cada sesión y del proceso en
El aporte gerontológico del proyecto aplicado fue proporcionar a las personas
participantes oportunidades para incorporar conocimientos que se pueden compartir en
actividades positivas, que a su vez involucren consejos intergeneracionales y fortalecimiento
o introducción de vías para la expresión de la generatividad, la intergeneracionalidad y el
envejecimiento activo.
Se tuvo el propósito de sentar un precedente en el tema de generatividad, de la mano
con el ciclo de la vida y el reflejo de la Gerontología en la vida de cada individuo. Entre los
temas que arrojó la construcción grupal de aprendizajes están: El aprendizaje se traslada a la
siguiente generación, La relación intergeneracional se construye con el reconocimiento de
los errores, Se encuentran similitudes partir de las diferencias y La interacción grupal
favorece la validación mutua de las experiencias de vida.
This applied research offered participants an opportunity to explore and experience the sense of giving and receiving in relationships with significant others, as well as building knowledge about how to be generative in order to achieve active aging. The participating group consisted of four pairs of mother or father with daughter or son, for a total of eight people. Initially, a diagnosis was made to determine the real needs of those who participated. Based on the identified needs, a program for continued and deepened generativity and intergenerationality, was suggested. Additionally, effort was put in establishing ways in which generativity and intergenerationality can be implemented. Finally, an evaluation of each session and the process in general was carried out. The gerontological contribution of this applied project was to provide participants concrete ways that allow them to incorporate knowledge that can be shared in positive activities, which in turn involve intergenerational advice and strengthening or introduction of ways for the expression of generativity, intergenerationality and active aging. Another purpose was to set a precedent on the subject of generativity, hand in hand with the cycle of life and the reflection of gerontology in the life of each individual. Among the themes that the collective construction of learning produced are: learning is transferred to the next generation, the intergenerational relationship is built with the recognition of errors, it is in differences where similarities are found, and Group interaction favors the mutual validation of the life's experiences.
This applied research offered participants an opportunity to explore and experience the sense of giving and receiving in relationships with significant others, as well as building knowledge about how to be generative in order to achieve active aging. The participating group consisted of four pairs of mother or father with daughter or son, for a total of eight people. Initially, a diagnosis was made to determine the real needs of those who participated. Based on the identified needs, a program for continued and deepened generativity and intergenerationality, was suggested. Additionally, effort was put in establishing ways in which generativity and intergenerationality can be implemented. Finally, an evaluation of each session and the process in general was carried out. The gerontological contribution of this applied project was to provide participants concrete ways that allow them to incorporate knowledge that can be shared in positive activities, which in turn involve intergenerational advice and strengthening or introduction of ways for the expression of generativity, intergenerationality and active aging. Another purpose was to set a precedent on the subject of generativity, hand in hand with the cycle of life and the reflection of gerontology in the life of each individual. Among the themes that the collective construction of learning produced are: learning is transferred to the next generation, the intergenerational relationship is built with the recognition of errors, it is in differences where similarities are found, and Group interaction favors the mutual validation of the life's experiences.
Palabras clave
Generatividad, Intergeneracionalidad, Envejecimiento activo, Gerotrascendencia, GERONTOLOGÍA