Cambios socioculturales y consumo de las familias costarricenses
artículo original
Barquero Barquero, Jorge Arturo
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En este artículo se realiza una reflexión y análisis de la familia en general, vista como institución social que actúa como mediación entre las dinámicas macro y micro sociales, es decir, que en el ámbito de los mismos hogares confluyen los cambios sociales generales y las acciones de los individuos. El marco histórico general lo constituyen los cambios socioeconómicos, culturales y demográficos que ha experimentado Costa Rica en las últimas tres décadas; los cuales han influido en los estilos de vida que se expresan en diversos patrones de consumo, y que se analizan de acuerdo a las fases del ciclo de vida y el nivel socioeconómico de los hogares. Los hallazgos muestran en general que conforme las familias pasan por las diversas fases o etapas de su ciclo de vida, se producen cambios en sus patrones de consumo, los que al ser examinados por niveles de ingreso, reflejan las crecientes desigualdades socioeconómicas que caracterizan a la actual sociedad costarricense.
This article reflects on and analyses the family in general, viewed like social institution that mediates among macro and micro social dynamics. In other words, the general social change and actions of individuals converge in the household. The general historical context constitutes the socioeconomic, cultural and demographic changes that Costa Rica has experienced in the last three decades. These changes have intluenced lifestyles and are expressed in different consumption patterns which are analyzed here according to the phases of the life cycle and the socioeconomic level of households. The general findings show how as farnilies go through the different phases or stages of their life cycle, changes take place in their consumption patterns. Those consumption pattern changes analyzed by income levels retlect the growing socioeconomic inequalities that characterize the current Costa Rican society.
This article reflects on and analyses the family in general, viewed like social institution that mediates among macro and micro social dynamics. In other words, the general social change and actions of individuals converge in the household. The general historical context constitutes the socioeconomic, cultural and demographic changes that Costa Rica has experienced in the last three decades. These changes have intluenced lifestyles and are expressed in different consumption patterns which are analyzed here according to the phases of the life cycle and the socioeconomic level of households. The general findings show how as farnilies go through the different phases or stages of their life cycle, changes take place in their consumption patterns. Those consumption pattern changes analyzed by income levels retlect the growing socioeconomic inequalities that characterize the current Costa Rican society.
Palabras clave
Ciclo de vida, Familia, Hogar, Patrones de consumo, Cambio sociocultural, Life cycle, Family, Household, Consumption patterns, Sociocultural change