Educación y calidad de vida de la persona adulta mayor
tesis doctoral
Valverde Gallegos, María del Rocío
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Según Naciones Unidas (2019), el envejecimiento demográfico es considerado un triunfo en la salud pública, sin embargo, genera una serie de retos en todos los ámbitos, y entender y anticipar los cambios demográficos, es crucial para lograr los objetivos propuestos por la Agenda para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2030. Para el 2050 se estima, que se llegue a duplicar la cantidad de personas adultas mayores (PAM), con lo cual se hace necesario, que esta población participe activamente en las diversas esferas sociales, culturales y académicas, contribuyendo a la mejora de su autopercepción y de su calidad de vida. Esta investigación, en el contexto de su alcance, objetivos, delimitaciones y campo de estudio, pretende establecer la necesidad de generar conocimiento novedoso, con pertinencia social, teórica y metodológica, que se puede validar mediante las fuentes primarias de la información constituidas por adultos mayores que viven un proceso de educación. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es comprender, cómo contribuye la educación recibida, en la percepción de la calidad de vida de las PAM que asisten al Programa Universidad de la Experiencia y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad Santa Paula, bajo una metodología de tipo mixta, con un análisis de datos interpretativo y comprensivo del fenómeno observado. La educación es una de esas condiciones necesarias para apoyar procesos fundamentales en la vida de las PAM, brindándoles una oportunidad de mantenerse actualizados, interactuar con otros grupos sociales y reafirmar sus potencialidades como individuos. Para efectos de esta tesis doctoral, la educación se concibe como “una acción formativa, en cualquier momento del ciclo vital de una persona, que mejore sus conocimientos, destrezas, habilidades, competencias o cualificaciones, en cualquier ámbito personal, social o profesional" (p. 112), propuesto por Morón-Marchena (2014), quien se basa en lo establecido por la Comisión Europea y la UNESCO durante la década de los 90, en relación con la educación a lo largo de la vida. El estudio puso en evidencia, la influencia positiva en la población participante, que las experiencias educativas sistemáticas han tenido en el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida según el criterio de ellos mismos y de sus familiares.
According to the United Nations (2019), demographic aging is considered a triumph in public health, however, it generates a series of challenges in all limits. Also understanding and anticipating demographic changes is crucial to achieve the objectives proposed by the Agenda for the Sustainable Development 2030. By 2050 it is estimated that the population of older adults (PAM in Spanish) will double, which makes it necessary for them to actively participate in the various social, cultural and academic environments, contributing to the improvement of their self-perception and their quality of life. This research aims in the context of its scope, objectives, delimitations, and field of study to establish the need to generate new knowledge, with social, theoretical, and methodological relevance, which can be validated through primary sources of information made up of older adults who are undergoing an educational process. The main objective of this research is to understand how the education received by the older adults contributes to their perception of their quality of life while attending the University Program of Experience and Human Development Program of the Santa Paula University, under a mixed-type research method, together with an analysis of interpretative and comprehensive data of the observed phenomenon. Education is one of the necessary conditions to support fundamentals in the older adults’ life, giving them an opportunity to keep themselves updated, interact with other social groups and reaffirm their potential as individuals. For the purposes of this doctoral thesis, education is conceived as "a training action, at any time in a person's life cycle, that improves their knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies or qualifications, in any personal, social or professional field" (p. 112), proposed by Morón-Marchena (2014) who is based on what was established by the European Commission and UNESCO during the 90s, in relation to education throughout life. The study evidenced the positive influence on the participating population, that systematic educational experiences have influenced the improvement of their quality of life, according to the criteria of themselves and their families.
According to the United Nations (2019), demographic aging is considered a triumph in public health, however, it generates a series of challenges in all limits. Also understanding and anticipating demographic changes is crucial to achieve the objectives proposed by the Agenda for the Sustainable Development 2030. By 2050 it is estimated that the population of older adults (PAM in Spanish) will double, which makes it necessary for them to actively participate in the various social, cultural and academic environments, contributing to the improvement of their self-perception and their quality of life. This research aims in the context of its scope, objectives, delimitations, and field of study to establish the need to generate new knowledge, with social, theoretical, and methodological relevance, which can be validated through primary sources of information made up of older adults who are undergoing an educational process. The main objective of this research is to understand how the education received by the older adults contributes to their perception of their quality of life while attending the University Program of Experience and Human Development Program of the Santa Paula University, under a mixed-type research method, together with an analysis of interpretative and comprehensive data of the observed phenomenon. Education is one of the necessary conditions to support fundamentals in the older adults’ life, giving them an opportunity to keep themselves updated, interact with other social groups and reaffirm their potential as individuals. For the purposes of this doctoral thesis, education is conceived as "a training action, at any time in a person's life cycle, that improves their knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies or qualifications, in any personal, social or professional field" (p. 112), proposed by Morón-Marchena (2014) who is based on what was established by the European Commission and UNESCO during the 90s, in relation to education throughout life. The study evidenced the positive influence on the participating population, that systematic educational experiences have influenced the improvement of their quality of life, according to the criteria of themselves and their families.
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