Night of the Living Dead y la contumaz perseverancia de la carne
artículo original
Retana Alvarado, Camilo
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El zombie, al menos a partir de la figura que inaugura George A. Romero, constituye una metáfora política. Romero, en efecto, subvierte la pasividad del rebaño hambriento por una monstruosidad que interpela al espectador y su contexto, en tanto trasciende el plano de la criatura extraña hasta una alteridad, por momentos, demasiado idéntica. El golpe estético está precisamente en devolver lo abyecto, lo expulsado como anormal de sí. El zombie romeriano da sustento a una rebelión encarnada contra estatutos morales, higiénicos, estéticos, políticos. Poniendo entre signos de interrogación la pureza de la vida (biopoder eugenésico) y a la inevitabilidad e irreversibilidad de la muerte, el lugar de resistencia zombie es el cuerpo.
The zombie, at least the figure inaugurated by George A. Romero’s films, constitutes a political metaphor. Romero, indeed, subverts the passivity of the hungry herd for a monstrosity that challenges the viewer and their context, while transcending the plane of that strange creature to an alterity, at times, too similar. The aesthetic shock lies precisely in returning the abjectedness of oneself, the abnormal which was expelled. The Romerian zombie gives sustenance to a rebellion embodied against moral, hygienic, aesthetic, and political statutes. By questioning the purity of life (eugenics biopower) and the inevitability and irreversibility of death, the place for the zombie resistance is the body.
The zombie, at least the figure inaugurated by George A. Romero’s films, constitutes a political metaphor. Romero, indeed, subverts the passivity of the hungry herd for a monstrosity that challenges the viewer and their context, while transcending the plane of that strange creature to an alterity, at times, too similar. The aesthetic shock lies precisely in returning the abjectedness of oneself, the abnormal which was expelled. The Romerian zombie gives sustenance to a rebellion embodied against moral, hygienic, aesthetic, and political statutes. By questioning the purity of life (eugenics biopower) and the inevitability and irreversibility of death, the place for the zombie resistance is the body.
Palabras clave
Zombi, Cuerpo, CINE