Percepción y manejo de comportamientos estereotípicos en cuatro razas de caballos en Costa Rica
artículo original
Arias Esquivel, Ana Margarita
Wickens, Carissa L.
Villalobos Villalobos, Luis Alonso
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Introducción. Existe poca información sobre los comportamientos estereotípicos en caballos de razas de campo, deportivos y de paso en Costa Rica. La falta de conocimiento sobre comportamientos estereotípicos como la aerofagia, el bamboleo y la caminata en cuadra, afecta el bienestar de los caballos. Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el comportamiento estereotípico de cuatro razas de caballos en Costa Rica, desde la perspectiva de sus dueños o cuidadores. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una encuesta diagnóstico del manejo común y el comportamiento de 552 caballos de razas Cuarto de Milla, Appaloosa, Pinto Americano y Costarricense de Paso, de junio a setiembre de 2018, entre los dueños de caballos inscritos en la Asociación de Criadores de Caballo de Campo y Deportivo de Costa Rica y la Asociación de Criadores del Caballo Costarricense de Paso de Costa Rica. La información se analizó por medio de estadística descriptiva. Resultados. Alrededor de la mitad de los dueños de caballos (48,4 %) reportaron haber observado comportamientos estereotípicos en sus caballos, siendo la aerofagia la de mayor prevalencia (86,2 %), seguido por la caminata en cuadra (24,1 %) y el bamboleo (13,8 %). Un 89,7 % de los dueños ha intentado detener los comportamientos estereotípicos por medio de collares anti-aerofagia y mayor contacto social con otros caballos. Se reportaron pocas horas en pastoreo (dos o menos), habiendo caballos sin acceso del todo (35,7 %). Conclusión. Los dueños de caballos de las razas incluidas en este estudio tienen un vacío de conocimiento de las estereotipias consultadas. El manejo de dichos comportamientos se puede mejorar a través de un mayor entrenamiento, que permita evitar mayores complicaciones bajo las condiciones actuales.
There is little information about stereotypic behaviors in stock-type sport horses and paso horses in Costa Rica. The lack of knowledge regarding stereotypic behaviors, such as cribbing, weaving, and stall walking in horses, affects their welfare. Objective. The objective of this study was to monitor the status of stereotypic behaviors and the management reported by owners of horses registered in ACRICAMDE and ASCACOPA in Costa Rica.Materials and methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from June through September 2018 in Costa Rica to gather information on horse behavior and current management practices of 552 horses of the breeds Quarter Mille, Appaloosa, American Paint Horses and Costa Rica Paso. The database collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results. Almost half of the horse owners (48.4 %) reported stereotypic behaviors, being cribbing the most observed (86.2 %), followed by stall walking (24.1 %) and weaving (13.8 %). Most owners and managers (89.7 %) have tried to stop horses from performing stereotypic behaviors with anti-cribbing collars and by increasing social contact with other horses as the most common approaches. Fewer hours of grazing were reported (2 or less, or none) while there were horses without access to pasture (35.7 %). Conclusion. Horse owners of the breeds included in this study lacked knowledge of stereotypic behaviors. In order to improve management of these behaviors, more training is required to avoid further complexities under the current conditions.
There is little information about stereotypic behaviors in stock-type sport horses and paso horses in Costa Rica. The lack of knowledge regarding stereotypic behaviors, such as cribbing, weaving, and stall walking in horses, affects their welfare. Objective. The objective of this study was to monitor the status of stereotypic behaviors and the management reported by owners of horses registered in ACRICAMDE and ASCACOPA in Costa Rica.Materials and methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from June through September 2018 in Costa Rica to gather information on horse behavior and current management practices of 552 horses of the breeds Quarter Mille, Appaloosa, American Paint Horses and Costa Rica Paso. The database collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results. Almost half of the horse owners (48.4 %) reported stereotypic behaviors, being cribbing the most observed (86.2 %), followed by stall walking (24.1 %) and weaving (13.8 %). Most owners and managers (89.7 %) have tried to stop horses from performing stereotypic behaviors with anti-cribbing collars and by increasing social contact with other horses as the most common approaches. Fewer hours of grazing were reported (2 or less, or none) while there were horses without access to pasture (35.7 %). Conclusion. Horse owners of the breeds included in this study lacked knowledge of stereotypic behaviors. In order to improve management of these behaviors, more training is required to avoid further complexities under the current conditions.
Palabras clave
aerofagia, bamboleo, caminata en cuadra, comportamiento anormal, bienestar animal, COMPORTAMIENTO ANIMAL