Factores que determinan el rendimiento académico en Matemáticas en la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Nicaragua: un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales
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Vargas Hernández, Marcia Mercedes
Montero Rojas, Eiliana
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El estudio examinó, por medio de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, posibles factores causales del rendimiento académico en cursos de Matemáticas de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería de Nicaragua, en una muestra estratificada por conglomerados de 713 estudiantes de segundo año distribuidos en 33 grupos de clases, con sus respectivos profesores. Además de la nota final en el curso, se incluyeron en el modelo causal, y de acuerdo con la literatura, variables de dimensiones sociodemográficas, psicosociales, institucionales y pedagógicas. Los resultados destacan tres variables del estudiante como determinantes del desempeño en el curso de Matemática: la inteligencia fluida, los hábitos de estudio y las actitudes negativas hacia las Matemáticas, resultando relevantes también los efectos indirectos en las dos primeras, y en las direcciones esperadas. Las variables del docente que mostraron efectos directos de importancia fueron edad, nivel académico y la asistencia a cursos pedagógicos promovidos por la institución.
The study examined, using structural equations model (SEM) possible causal factors for Math achievement in students from the National University of Engineering in Nicaragua, using a stratified sample of complete conglomerates of 713 students in second year, spread over 33 groups and their respective teachers. Besides the final grade in the course, and according to the literature review, variables of the socio- demographic, psychosocial, institutional and pedagogical dimensions were included in the model. The results emphasized three student variables as determinants of the achievement in Math: fluid intelligence, study habits and negative attitudes towards Mathematics, with the indirect effects of the last two also relevant, and in the expected direction. Teacher variables that showed relevant direct effects were age, academic level and attendance to pedagogical courses promoted by the institution.
The study examined, using structural equations model (SEM) possible causal factors for Math achievement in students from the National University of Engineering in Nicaragua, using a stratified sample of complete conglomerates of 713 students in second year, spread over 33 groups and their respective teachers. Besides the final grade in the course, and according to the literature review, variables of the socio- demographic, psychosocial, institutional and pedagogical dimensions were included in the model. The results emphasized three student variables as determinants of the achievement in Math: fluid intelligence, study habits and negative attitudes towards Mathematics, with the indirect effects of the last two also relevant, and in the expected direction. Teacher variables that showed relevant direct effects were age, academic level and attendance to pedagogical courses promoted by the institution.
Palabras clave
Educación superior, Modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, Predicción, Rendimiento en matemática, Higher education, Math achievement, Prediction, Structural Equations Model, 371.264 728 5 Prognosis y ubicación académicas