Análisis de riesgo en los tanques estacionarios de gas licuado de petróleo en la ciudad universitaria Rodrigo Facio
tesis de maestría
Mora Vargas, Guido
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El presente trabajo final de investigación aplicada (TFIA) ha sido concebido
bajo la premisa de colaborar con el Programa de Gestión del Riesgo y Reducción
de Desastres de la Universidad de Costa Rica (PGRRD-UCR), el cual pertenece a
la Vicerrectoría de Administración de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
El estudio se dirigirá en torno a fortalecer la inclusión de las 4 prioridades de
acción del Marco de Sendái para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres 2015-
2030, los cuales también son los ejes de la Política Nacional de Gestión del Riego
2016-2030 de la Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de
Emergencias (CNE, 2015). En esta tesis, se desarrollan las listas de chequeo para
evaluar el estado y condición de los tanques o cilindros de gas licuado de petróleo
(GLP) según los requerimientos técnicos de la normativa nacional e internacional
que los rigen y que se encuentran conectados para su uso.
Se tomaron en cuenta los tanques o cilindros con una capacidad superior a
59 galones de capacidad de agua (W.C.) e inferior a 1000 galones de capacidad
de agua (W.C.), que se encuentren dentro de las 3 fincas de la Ciudad Rodrigo
Facio, ubicada en San Pedro de Montes de Oca y Sabanilla.
El estudio también evalúa la gestión administrativa del riesgo en los
edificios que cuentan con dichos tanques y los edificios adyacentes expuestos al
riesgo del almacenamiento y manipulación del GLP; se arrojará un resultado para
cada tanque o cilindro con sus hallazgos y aspectos de mejora, además, de
brindar un panorama de la condición general del uso del GLP en la UCR.
Este estudio tendrá un efecto positivo en la mejora continua, la prevención y
la preparación, en todas las unidades administrativas involucradas directa e
indirectamente con los cilindros valorados, se espera que la metodología utilizada
sea integrada en la valoración del riesgo y vulnerabilidad durante la formulación de
los Planes de Preparación y Respuesta a Emergencias.
The present final work of applied research (TFIA, by its initial in Spanish) has been conceived under the premise of collaborating with the Risk Management and Disaster Reduction Program of the Universidad de Costa Rica (PGRRD-UCR), which belongs to the Vice-Rectorial Administration of the Universidad de Costa Rica. The study will focus on strengthening the inclusion of the 4 priorities for action of the Sendái Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which are also the axes of the National Irrigation Management Policy 2016-20130. Thesis is developed through checklists to assess the condition and condition of the tanks or cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) according to the technical requirements of the national and international regulations that govern them and that are connected for their use. Tanks or cylinders with a capacity of more than 59 gallons of water capacity (WC) and less than 1000 gallons of water capacity (WC) were taken into account, which are located within the 3 properties of Ciudad Rodrigo Facio, located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca and Sabanilla. The study also evaluates the administrative management of the risk in the buildings that have such tanks and the adjacent buildings exposed to the risk of the storage and handling of the LPG, an individual result will be thrown for each tank or cylinder with its findings and aspects of improvement, in addition, provides an overview of the general condition of LPG in the UCR. This study will have a positive effect on continuous improvement, prevention and preparedness, in all the administrative units directly and indirectly involved with the assessed cylinders, it is expected that the methodology used will be integrated in the assessment of risk and vulnerability during the formulation of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans.
The present final work of applied research (TFIA, by its initial in Spanish) has been conceived under the premise of collaborating with the Risk Management and Disaster Reduction Program of the Universidad de Costa Rica (PGRRD-UCR), which belongs to the Vice-Rectorial Administration of the Universidad de Costa Rica. The study will focus on strengthening the inclusion of the 4 priorities for action of the Sendái Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which are also the axes of the National Irrigation Management Policy 2016-20130. Thesis is developed through checklists to assess the condition and condition of the tanks or cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) according to the technical requirements of the national and international regulations that govern them and that are connected for their use. Tanks or cylinders with a capacity of more than 59 gallons of water capacity (WC) and less than 1000 gallons of water capacity (WC) were taken into account, which are located within the 3 properties of Ciudad Rodrigo Facio, located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca and Sabanilla. The study also evaluates the administrative management of the risk in the buildings that have such tanks and the adjacent buildings exposed to the risk of the storage and handling of the LPG, an individual result will be thrown for each tank or cylinder with its findings and aspects of improvement, in addition, provides an overview of the general condition of LPG in the UCR. This study will have a positive effect on continuous improvement, prevention and preparedness, in all the administrative units directly and indirectly involved with the assessed cylinders, it is expected that the methodology used will be integrated in the assessment of risk and vulnerability during the formulation of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans.
Palabras clave
Gestión de riesgo, GLP, Sendai, Reducción de desastres, Preparativos y respuesta en emergencias, BLEVE, Análisis de riesgo, Tanques de gas, Tanque estacionario, Gas licuado de petróleo, Cilindros de gas