Selección de cultivares de frijol comun en Cañas, Guanacaste
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Gutiérrez M., Ana Guadalupe
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se evaluaron 190 cultivares de frijol común procedentes de “Ensayos Preliminares (EP81) del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical y 203 cultivares de frijol negros y rojos del Banco de Germoplasma de la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit Moreno, en dos zonas simultáneamante: Alajuela (Zona considerada óptima para el desarrollo normal del frijol) y Cañas, Guanacaste (zona de altas temperaturas y fuertes vientos), y en dos épocas de siembra diferentes. Los cultivares estudiados mostraron un comportamiento diferencial en ambas localidades y épocas de siembra. Se manifestó gran variabilidad genética bajo las condiciones de Cañas y los cultivares con buena adaptación a esta zona no fueron los mismos para Alajuela. Los que mejor se adaptaron a las condiciones de Cañas fueron: PVN 484, PVN 57, PVN 469 y Talamanca. En Alajuela los de mayor potencial de producción fueron BAC 75, PVN 458, PVN 344, PVN 446, VRA 40 y Talamanca.
One hundred and ninety commom bean cultivrs from the International Center for Tropical Agricultire (CIAT Preliminary Trials, EP81) and 203 red and black cultivars from the germoplasm bank of the Fabio Baudrit M. Experimental Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica were tested in two zones simultaneously; Alajuela (considered optimal for bean grouth in Costa Rica) and Cañas, Guanacaste (High temperatures and strong wind zone) at two planting dates. The cultivars tested showed different behavoir in both localities and at the different planting dates. Great genetic variability was apparent under Cañas conditions, and the cultivars that demonstrated good adaptation in this zone were not necessarily suitable for Alajuela. In Cañas the best cultivars were: PVN 484, PVN 457, PVN 469 and Talamanca. In Alajuela BAC 75, PVN 458, PVN 344, PVN 446, VRA 40 and Talamanca showed the greatest production potencial.
One hundred and ninety commom bean cultivrs from the International Center for Tropical Agricultire (CIAT Preliminary Trials, EP81) and 203 red and black cultivars from the germoplasm bank of the Fabio Baudrit M. Experimental Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica were tested in two zones simultaneously; Alajuela (considered optimal for bean grouth in Costa Rica) and Cañas, Guanacaste (High temperatures and strong wind zone) at two planting dates. The cultivars tested showed different behavoir in both localities and at the different planting dates. Great genetic variability was apparent under Cañas conditions, and the cultivars that demonstrated good adaptation in this zone were not necessarily suitable for Alajuela. In Cañas the best cultivars were: PVN 484, PVN 457, PVN 469 and Talamanca. In Alajuela BAC 75, PVN 458, PVN 344, PVN 446, VRA 40 and Talamanca showed the greatest production potencial.