Estrategias para seleccionar frijol común con mayor resistencia a mustia hilachosa.
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Beaver, James S.
Godoy, Graciela
Rosas, Juan Carlos
Steadman, James
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Para aumentar el rendimientoy calidad de grano de frijol producido en las regiones calientesy húmedas de Centroamérica y el Caribe, es necesariocontar con mayores niveles de resistencia a la mustia hilachosa.El frijol común solamente tiene niveles moderados de resistenciaa esta enfermedad y los patrones de virulencia delpatógeno (Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk), varíanentre regiones geográficas. Las evaluaciones en el campo enbusca de resistencia a la mustia hilachosa están limitadas a lasépocas favorables al desarrollo de la enfermedad, y no permitendiferenciar entre plantas que evitan la enfermedad debidoa características de arquitecturas y aquellas que poseen resistenciafisiológica. Se han desarrollado técnicas de laboratorioe invernadero que facilitan la evaluación de líneas de frijolcon respecto a su resistencia fisiológica. Se propone un esquemade selección recurrente para seleccionar frijoles conmayores niveles de resistencia y el uso de cruces interespecí-ficos podría aumentar la base de genes resistentes a la mustiahilachosa. Se han identificado líneas de P. coccineus con buenosniveles de resistencia a la mustia hilachosa y las plantasde frijol transgénicas con tolerancia a herbicidas serían útilespara labranza mínima. Una cobertura de vegetación muerta,podría reducir también la difusión de la enfermedad.
Higher levels of web blightresistance is needed to increase common bean yield and seedquality in the hot and humid regions of Central America andthe Caribbean. Only moderate levels of resistance have beenidentified in common bean. Moreover, virulence patterns ofthe web- blight pathogen, Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank)Donk, vary among geographic locations. Fields screening forweb-blight resistance is limited to seasons that favor thedevelopment of the disease. In the field, it is also difficult toseparate disease avoidance due to plant architecture andphysiological resistance. Greenhouse and laboratorytechniques have been developed that facilitate the screeningof bean lines for physiological resistance. A recurrentselection scheme is proposed to select beans with higherlevels of web-blight resistance. Inter-specific crosses may beused to broaden the genetic base of resistance to web-blight.P. coccineus lines with useful levels of resistance have beenidentified. Transgenic bean plants with herbicide resistancewould be useful for minimum tillage. A cover of deadvegetation on the soil surface could help to reduce the spreadof web-blight.
Higher levels of web blightresistance is needed to increase common bean yield and seedquality in the hot and humid regions of Central America andthe Caribbean. Only moderate levels of resistance have beenidentified in common bean. Moreover, virulence patterns ofthe web- blight pathogen, Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank)Donk, vary among geographic locations. Fields screening forweb-blight resistance is limited to seasons that favor thedevelopment of the disease. In the field, it is also difficult toseparate disease avoidance due to plant architecture andphysiological resistance. Greenhouse and laboratorytechniques have been developed that facilitate the screeningof bean lines for physiological resistance. A recurrentselection scheme is proposed to select beans with higherlevels of web-blight resistance. Inter-specific crosses may beused to broaden the genetic base of resistance to web-blight.P. coccineus lines with useful levels of resistance have beenidentified. Transgenic bean plants with herbicide resistancewould be useful for minimum tillage. A cover of deadvegetation on the soil surface could help to reduce the spreadof web-blight.