Ciencia, tecnología y educación en Costa Rica en el período 2010-2014
artículo original
Granados Carvajal, Rafael Evelio
Calvo Solano, Oscar David
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En este artículo se analizaron las distintas redes vinculadas a la formulación de políticas públicas en la
Comisión de Ciencia y Tecnología del Congreso de Costa Rica, entre el 2010 y 2014, con el propósito de
describir el abordaje realizado y la incidencia sobre el estilo de desarrollo costarricense. Se encontró
que las principales redes presentan propuestas cerradas y un Poder Ejecutivo con más cercanía a los
distintos sectores, pero no suficiente. A raíz de lo anterior, se concluye que existe una limitada coordinación y cohesión de los actores relacionados con la ciencia, la tecnología y la educación en Costa Rica, determinando limitados alcances en educación, empleo, competitividad y desarrollo; especialmente,
pensando en la dinámica que ejercen la ciencia y la tecnología en el mediano y largo plazo en el proceso
de desarrollo económico y social.
On planning the economic course of a country, it is necessary to invest in science, technology and education, due to contribute to produce human resources oriented to an optimal development. So, the establishment of public policies by the government with the contribution of related actors creating a social network between both is important to optimize such process. Networks related to public policies formulation in the Science and Technology Committee in the Costa Rican Congress and its relationship with related actors were analyzed due to verify if their approach have a significant impact in Costa Rican society. Closeness between the government and different groups, and a short point of view in the proposals given by related actors were found. We concluded, that there is a weak relationship and a limited coordination between the main actors related with Science, Technology and Education in Costa Rica.
On planning the economic course of a country, it is necessary to invest in science, technology and education, due to contribute to produce human resources oriented to an optimal development. So, the establishment of public policies by the government with the contribution of related actors creating a social network between both is important to optimize such process. Networks related to public policies formulation in the Science and Technology Committee in the Costa Rican Congress and its relationship with related actors were analyzed due to verify if their approach have a significant impact in Costa Rican society. Closeness between the government and different groups, and a short point of view in the proposals given by related actors were found. We concluded, that there is a weak relationship and a limited coordination between the main actors related with Science, Technology and Education in Costa Rica.
Palabras clave
Rumbo, Políticas públicas, Redes sociales, Coordinación, Cohesión, Course, Public policies, Social networks, Coordination, Cohesion, 370.117 286 Educación para objetivos específicos