Efecto del aclareo químico y manual en inflorescencias y frutos de manzano.
artículo original
Almanza, Francisco J.
Elos, Mariano
López, Alfonso
Valdés, Abel
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El objetivo fue medir la efectividad del raleo químico y manual en inflorescencia y frutos de manzano; en el primero se aplicó en aspersión Ácido Naftalenacético (ANA) a 5, 10 y 15 ppm; Sevin (Carbaryl) a 400, 800 y 1200 ppm y Bionex (Adherente) a 1 ml/l de agua; esta aplicación se realizó 20 días después de plena floración, la cual se presentó a partir del 18 Abril de 1995. El raleo manual se llevó un mes después dejando un fruto por dardo. El presente trabajo se realizó en el municipio de Arteaga, Coahuila, a una altitud de 2220 msnm. En esta área se seleccionaron los árboles de la variedad Golden delicious que tienen alrededor de 15 años de edad y de un vigor uniforme. La distancia entre plantas e hileras fue de aproximadamente de 6 x 8m. Para probar el objetivo, se aplicó un diseño bloques al azar con nueve tratamientos y 10 repeticiones, aquí cada árbol fue una parcela experimental. Los resultados del análisis de varianza y la prueba de DMS mostraron que el porciento de raleo para tratamiento fue estadísticamente diferente (P<0,01); esta diferencia se atribuye al testigo, el cual fue superado por los demás tratamientos. El raleo de frutos fue efectivo en todos los tratamientos, observándose que el Sevin a 400 ppm produjo mayor raleo junto con ANA a 15 ppmb (no existe diferencias estadísticas). El raleo manual requiere una mayor inversión en todos los sentidos con respecto al método químico. Aparentemente la calidad de fruto (paño y color) no fueron afectados por los tratamientos.
The main objective of this study was to estimate the efectivity of chemical and hand thinning. In the first naftalenacetic Acid (ANA) at 5, 10 and 15 ppm; 400, 800 and 1200 ppm Sevin and Bionex (adherent) 1 ml/l of water were realized 20 days after of full flowering from 18 April 1995 forward. The hand thinning was carried out one month later leaving one fruit per shoot. This work was conducted in Arteaga, Coahuila at 2200 masl. Fifteen years old apple trees variety Golden delicious with uniform vigor were selected. Distance between plants and rows was 6 x 8 m approximately. A complete randomized block design with nine treatments and ten replications was utilized. Where a single apple tree was considered a experimental plot. The ANOVA and LSD (DMS) showed that the percentage of thinning for treatments was highly significative (p<0.01), this difference was due to the control. The fruit thinning was effective in every treatment, however the wasting of time and money in the chemical method was smaller than in hand thinning. Thinning was most effective when was applied sevin 400 ppm and NAA 15 ppm at all stages. Apparently, the quality of fruit was not affected by the treatments.
The main objective of this study was to estimate the efectivity of chemical and hand thinning. In the first naftalenacetic Acid (ANA) at 5, 10 and 15 ppm; 400, 800 and 1200 ppm Sevin and Bionex (adherent) 1 ml/l of water were realized 20 days after of full flowering from 18 April 1995 forward. The hand thinning was carried out one month later leaving one fruit per shoot. This work was conducted in Arteaga, Coahuila at 2200 masl. Fifteen years old apple trees variety Golden delicious with uniform vigor were selected. Distance between plants and rows was 6 x 8 m approximately. A complete randomized block design with nine treatments and ten replications was utilized. Where a single apple tree was considered a experimental plot. The ANOVA and LSD (DMS) showed that the percentage of thinning for treatments was highly significative (p<0.01), this difference was due to the control. The fruit thinning was effective in every treatment, however the wasting of time and money in the chemical method was smaller than in hand thinning. Thinning was most effective when was applied sevin 400 ppm and NAA 15 ppm at all stages. Apparently, the quality of fruit was not affected by the treatments.