Tensiones en torno al cuerpo, el género y el deseo en los Programas de estudio de educación para la afectividad y sexualidad integral del MEP
artículo original
Retana Alvarado, Camilo
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El presente artículo se ocupa de analizar los Programas de estudio de educación para la
afectividad y sexualidad integral del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica (MEP). Para ello
realiza una contextualización, en primer lugar, histórico-normativa y, en segundo lugar, política de
dicha directriz educativa. Asimismo, el texto se interesa en estudiar el modo en que distintas agendas
condicionan y tensan los contenidos de los Programas. Específicamente, el artículo se adentra en las
concepciones del cuerpo, el género y el deseo de los Programas… para mostrar las visiones enfrentadas
que implícitamente estructuran tales concepciones. El objetivo, así, es discutir críticamente la
Educación Sexual en general, y los Programas de estudio de educación para la afectividad y sexualidad
integral en particular, más allá de las posiciones dicotómicas (a favor-en contra) que suelen emplearse
para tales efectos.
This article occupies in analyzing the Educational study programs for affectivity and integral sexuality of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica(MEP).For this purpose a contextualization of this education directive is made, firstly historical-normative and secondly political. Likewise, the text takes an interest in studying the mode in which different agendas condition and tense the contents of the Programs Specifically, the article deepens in the conceptions of the body, gender and desire of the Programs to demonstrate the confronted visions that implicitly structure such conceptions. The objective is to discuss critically Sexual Education in general, and Education Study Programs for the Affectivity and Integral Sexuality in particular, beyond the dihcotomic (in favor-against) that are usually utilized for these effects
This article occupies in analyzing the Educational study programs for affectivity and integral sexuality of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica(MEP).For this purpose a contextualization of this education directive is made, firstly historical-normative and secondly political. Likewise, the text takes an interest in studying the mode in which different agendas condition and tense the contents of the Programs Specifically, the article deepens in the conceptions of the body, gender and desire of the Programs to demonstrate the confronted visions that implicitly structure such conceptions. The objective is to discuss critically Sexual Education in general, and Education Study Programs for the Affectivity and Integral Sexuality in particular, beyond the dihcotomic (in favor-against) that are usually utilized for these effects
Palabras clave
Educación sexual, Cuerpo, Género, Deseo, Derechos Humanos, Religión, Sexual Education, Body, Gender, Desire, Human Rights, Religion