Carreras académicas de mujeres en la Universidad de Costa Rica: un reto para la igualdad
artículo original
Mesa Peluffo, Sylvia
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Este artículo comparte hallazgos de una investigación realizada en la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) entre los años 2016 y 2017. El problema de investigación fue: ¿qué factores hacen la carrera académica
de las mujeres
más lenta que la de los hombres y cómo incide esto en su ubicación en posiciones académicas de
menor categoría que las ocupadas por ellos? Los antecedentes señalan situaciones de desventaja con respecto a
los hombres en la categoría docente. La investigac
ión empleó metodología feminista cualitativa. Se realizaron
catorce entrevistas en profundidad, con mujeres docentes de las siete áreas de la UCR, con más de 10 años de
experiencia. Las categorías de análisis empleadas fueron: Experiencia docente y categor
ía en régimen;
Maternidad y docencia; Cuidado de otras personas; Conciliación de labores; Influencia de los factores anteriores
en sus carreras; Roles maternos extendidos; Diferencia de avance con compañeros, Sexismo y discriminación en
la academia y la so
ciedad. Los principales hallazgos encontrados fueron: solo cuatro de las entrevistadas son
catedráticas; la responsabilidad casi exclusiva de los hijos e hijas, el cuidado de otras personas y la extensión del
rol materno interfieren en sus carreras; no han
logrado negociar que sus carreras sean importantes para el núcleo
familiar. Se concluye que el cuido y el trabajo no remunerado consumen tiempo, espacio y la concentración
necesaria para trabajar; el sexismo y la discriminación influyen tanto en aspectos
normativos como en el trato
hacia las mujeres; y el Reglamento de Régimen Académico no es sensible al género.
This paper shares findings from a study conducted at UCR between 2016 and 2017. The research problem focused in factors influencing the academic careers of women turning them slower than men’s and thus they stay in lower positions compared them. Previous research points out disadvantages of women compared to men in teaching positions. Feminist qualitative methodology was used. Fourteen in depth interviews, with female teachers with more than 10 years’ experience, working in different areas in the UCR, were conducted. Analysis categories used were the following: Teaching experience and academic regime category; Maternity and teaching; Caring of children and other persons, Negotiation between family and academic activities; Influence of the above factors in their careers; Extended maternal roles; Difference in advance with male coworkers; The way sexism and discrimination influence both the academia and the way society considers women. Results: 1.Only four of these women are professors 2. The fact of being almost exclusively responsible for their children and caring of others, as well as extended maternal roles, hinder women's academic career. 3. Most of them have failed to negotiate the importance of their careers with their family. Conclusions: 1. Caring consumes time, thus physical and psychological space. 2. Sexism and discrimination are reflected both in the way women are treated, and in university norms. 3. Academic Regime regulations are not sensitive to gender.
This paper shares findings from a study conducted at UCR between 2016 and 2017. The research problem focused in factors influencing the academic careers of women turning them slower than men’s and thus they stay in lower positions compared them. Previous research points out disadvantages of women compared to men in teaching positions. Feminist qualitative methodology was used. Fourteen in depth interviews, with female teachers with more than 10 years’ experience, working in different areas in the UCR, were conducted. Analysis categories used were the following: Teaching experience and academic regime category; Maternity and teaching; Caring of children and other persons, Negotiation between family and academic activities; Influence of the above factors in their careers; Extended maternal roles; Difference in advance with male coworkers; The way sexism and discrimination influence both the academia and the way society considers women. Results: 1.Only four of these women are professors 2. The fact of being almost exclusively responsible for their children and caring of others, as well as extended maternal roles, hinder women's academic career. 3. Most of them have failed to negotiate the importance of their careers with their family. Conclusions: 1. Caring consumes time, thus physical and psychological space. 2. Sexism and discrimination are reflected both in the way women are treated, and in university norms. 3. Academic Regime regulations are not sensitive to gender.
Palabras clave
Género, Universidad, Maternidad, Trabajo doméstico, Gender, Academia, Maternity, Domestic work, 305.42 Rol y situación social de las mujeres