Producción y calidad de la biomasa de morera (Morus alba) cosechada en diferentes modalidades de poda.
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Boschini Figueroa, Carlos
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Una plantación establecida en 1993, con un distanciamiento entre plantas de 60, 90 y 120 cm entre hileras y plantas, fue cosechada 26 veces a diferentes intervalos (56 a 112 días) de poda durante cinco años consecutivos, a la altura de 60 cm sobre el nivel del suelo. Se practicaron tres tipos de poda: testigo, semilimpio y limpio. Con un intervalo de 84 días de crecimiento se cosecharon los rebrotes y se determin ó el contenido de materia seca, proteína cruda, fibra neutro detergente y cenizas totales. La poda semilimpia provocó una pérdida del 10% en la producción de materia seca de hoja por hectárea y un 13% en el rendimiento de tallo con respecto al tratamiento testigo. La cosecha conjunta de hojas y tallos decreció un 11%. La poda limpia provocó una disminuci ón de 32% en el rendimiento de materia seca de hoja por hectárea y 36% en la producción de tallo con relación al tratamiento testigo. La producción compuesta decreció 33%. La calidad nutricional de los rebrotes, hojas y tallos, fue similar entre los diferentes tratamientos de poda.
A plantation established in 1993 with 60 cm, 90 cm and 120 cm between rows, was harvested 60 cm above the ground, 26 times at different pruning intervals between 56 and 112 days. Three pruning techniques were used: control, semi-clean and completely clean. Every 84th day of growth, the shoots were harvested and the total content of dry material, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and ash were analyzed. The semiclean pruning caused a 10% loss in the production of dry leaf material per hectare and a 13% in the stem yield, compared to the control. The joint harvest of leaves and stems decreased 11%. The completely clean pruning caused a 32% decline in the yield of dry material in the leaves per hectare and 36% in stem production, compared to the control. The total yield decreased 33%. The nutritional quality of the shoots, leaves and stems was similar among the different pruning techniques.
A plantation established in 1993 with 60 cm, 90 cm and 120 cm between rows, was harvested 60 cm above the ground, 26 times at different pruning intervals between 56 and 112 days. Three pruning techniques were used: control, semi-clean and completely clean. Every 84th day of growth, the shoots were harvested and the total content of dry material, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and ash were analyzed. The semiclean pruning caused a 10% loss in the production of dry leaf material per hectare and a 13% in the stem yield, compared to the control. The joint harvest of leaves and stems decreased 11%. The completely clean pruning caused a 32% decline in the yield of dry material in the leaves per hectare and 36% in stem production, compared to the control. The total yield decreased 33%. The nutritional quality of the shoots, leaves and stems was similar among the different pruning techniques.