El (im)posible rango crítico-decolonial en la dialéctica negativa de Adorno
artículo original
Fallas Vargas, Fabrizio
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El presente trabajo se inscribe dentro
de la necesidad de responder en for-
ma crítica a los desafíos teóricos que
surgen desde la matriz de pensamiento
decolonial y su relación con la dialécti-
ca negativa de Theodor W. Adorno. Me-
todológicamente se elabora un marco
teórico que permita establecer posibles
vasos comunicantes entre distintas ela-
boraciones del pensamiento decolonial
y la producción teórica de Adorno. Ha-
bida cuenta de la consideración crítica
realizada por Castro-Gómez respecto
de Foucault, el presente abordaje se
desmarca de una lectura etiquetante de
un pensador como eurocéntrico sobre
la mera base del locus de la enuncia-
ción. Se estima en este trabajo, que
bien puede realizarse un ejercicio analí-
tico que permita acercarse de esa forma
al pensamiento de Adorno. Ello implica
un doble movimiento y paradójico en el
análisis, por un lado el estudio crítico
del planteamiento adorniano o dialécti-
ca negativa desde la crítica decolonial y
por el otro, determinar la posibilidad de
trazar plexos de interpenetración con-
creta entre ambos universos teóricos.
The current paper addresses the need to respond critically to the theoretical challenges that arise from the matrix of decolonial thinking and its relation to Theodor W. Adorno’s negative dialectics. Methodologically, a conceptual framework has been developed to establish the possible communicating vessels between the different elaborations on decolonial thinking and Adorno’s theoretical production. Bearing in mind the Castro-Gómez critique of Foucault, this approach disassociates itself from the idea that a thinker is Eurocentric on the mere basis of the locus of enunciation. This work posits that it is perfectly feasible to find an analytical exercise that allows a closer approach to Adorno’s thinking. This implies a paradoxical double movement in the analysis. One is the critical study of the Adornian approach or negative dialectic from decolonial criticism, and the other is determining the possibility of tracing plexuses of concrete interpenetration between both theoretical universes.
The current paper addresses the need to respond critically to the theoretical challenges that arise from the matrix of decolonial thinking and its relation to Theodor W. Adorno’s negative dialectics. Methodologically, a conceptual framework has been developed to establish the possible communicating vessels between the different elaborations on decolonial thinking and Adorno’s theoretical production. Bearing in mind the Castro-Gómez critique of Foucault, this approach disassociates itself from the idea that a thinker is Eurocentric on the mere basis of the locus of enunciation. This work posits that it is perfectly feasible to find an analytical exercise that allows a closer approach to Adorno’s thinking. This implies a paradoxical double movement in the analysis. One is the critical study of the Adornian approach or negative dialectic from decolonial criticism, and the other is determining the possibility of tracing plexuses of concrete interpenetration between both theoretical universes.
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