La realidad humana como problema. Hacia una antropología filosófica latinoamericana de la liberación
Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo
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El presente trabajo pretende ofrecer un breve recorrido por la Antropología filosófica a modo de contextualización general para quienes deseen iniciar sus estudios humanísticos en el ámbito universitario, de tal manera que le permita cuestionarse sus puntos de partida y establecer un posicionamiento crítico de frente a los discursos sobre el ser humano que siguen operando en la sociedad. Así, se planteará una explicación de lo que se entiende por Antropología filosófica de frente a otras expresiones previas a la constitución de esta disciplina, para proponer el estatuto epistemológico que le da su razón de ser dentro del pensamiento filosófico y de frente a otras disciplinas que abordan el tema humano, y ofrecer de manera conclusiva algunos retos que debe plantearse a fin de ofrecer una visión más integradora del ser humano, en este caso desde la filosofía de la liberación latinoamericana como parámetro orientador.
This paper aims to offer a brief overview of philosophical anthropology as a general contextualization for those who wish to begin their humanistic studies at the university level. In such way, it will allow them to question their starting points and establish a critical position in the face of the discourses about the human being that continue operating in society. Thus, an explanation of what is understood by Philosophical Anthropology will be proposed in relation to other expressions prior to the constitution of this discipline, to propose the epistemological status that gives it its raison d'être within philosophical thought and in relation to other disciplines that address the human subject, to conclusively offer some challenges that should be raised in order to offer a more integrative vision of the human being, in this case from the Latin American philosophy of liberation as a guiding parameter.
This paper aims to offer a brief overview of philosophical anthropology as a general contextualization for those who wish to begin their humanistic studies at the university level. In such way, it will allow them to question their starting points and establish a critical position in the face of the discourses about the human being that continue operating in society. Thus, an explanation of what is understood by Philosophical Anthropology will be proposed in relation to other expressions prior to the constitution of this discipline, to propose the epistemological status that gives it its raison d'être within philosophical thought and in relation to other disciplines that address the human subject, to conclusively offer some challenges that should be raised in order to offer a more integrative vision of the human being, in this case from the Latin American philosophy of liberation as a guiding parameter.
Palabras clave
Antropología filosófica, Liberación, AMÉRICA LATINA, Realidad humana, ESPECIE HUMANA