Aseguramiento y control de calidad en la producción de medios de cultivo microbiológicos
artículo original
Monge Montero, Ana Cristina
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El aseguramiento y control de calidad de los medios de
cultivo que se utilizan para las labores de microbiología,
debe ser eje central para establecer la calidad de todos
los anàlisis que se ligan a su utilización. Se hace necesario
asegurar no sólo la esterilidad de los mismos,sino también
un funcionamiento adecuado a su concepción, de modo
reproducible, trazable y estandarizado. Es así, como
existen muchas metodologías referenciadas, de las cuales
se debe seleccionar la más idónea para los servicios de
análisis que se brindan. Este artículo selecciona algunas
metodologías estandarizadas de reciente publicación
que podrían contribuir con las actividades que se realizan
en los laboratorios microbiológicos tanto a nivel clínico
como no clínico. Estas metodologías buscan estandarizar
a nivel mundial los procesos relacionados a las labores
de análisis, de este modo fomentar la reproducibilidad
de los resultados. Si bien es cierto, no son de aplicación
obligatoria, permiten mejorar la calidad de los ensayos
que se realizan y por ende deben de contemplarse como
una actualización profesional para el gremio.
Assurance and quality control of culture media used in microbiology, must be a central axis to establish the quality of all analysis that are linked to its use. It is necessary to ensure not only the sterility of them, but also a performance suitable to its conception, being reproducible, traceable and standardized. So, as there are many referenced methodologies, it must be selected the most suitable for analytical services provided. This article selects some standardized methodologies recently published that could help with the activities carried out in microbiological laboratories, both clinical and non-clinical level. These methodologies seek to standardize global processes related to the work of analysis, promoting the reproducibility of the results. While it is true, they are not mandatory, they allow to improve the quality of trials that are performed and therefore should be considered as a professional updating for the guild.
Assurance and quality control of culture media used in microbiology, must be a central axis to establish the quality of all analysis that are linked to its use. It is necessary to ensure not only the sterility of them, but also a performance suitable to its conception, being reproducible, traceable and standardized. So, as there are many referenced methodologies, it must be selected the most suitable for analytical services provided. This article selects some standardized methodologies recently published that could help with the activities carried out in microbiological laboratories, both clinical and non-clinical level. These methodologies seek to standardize global processes related to the work of analysis, promoting the reproducibility of the results. While it is true, they are not mandatory, they allow to improve the quality of trials that are performed and therefore should be considered as a professional updating for the guild.
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