Agricultura, recursos naturales, medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible en Costa Rica.
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Morera Monge, Jorge A.
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Universidad de Costa Rica
La agricultura sostenible en Costa Rica debe reconocer la necesidad de intensificar la productividad como medio de soportar la acelerada demanda creada por el incremento poblacional, pero al mismo tiempo debe prever el mejor uso y conservación de los recursos naturales. Sin recursos naturales no hay agricultura y sin ésta no hay seguridad alimentaria. Es de esperar que Costa Rica pueda satisfacer la demanda creciente de alimentos y otros productos agrícolas; evitando el acelerado proceso de degradación que sufren nuestros suelos y bosques. El proceso de agricultura sostenible en Costa Rica y otros países de la región, presenta un incremento en la demanda de tierras y recursos naturales; lo cual suscita competencias y agudos conflictos sociales, económicos y ecológicos. Costa Rica debe plantearse una estrategia de desarrollo sostenible que contemple los efectos asociados del crecimiento demográfico, la seguridad alimentaria, la protección de la biodiversidad, la regeneración de los ecosistemas, el desarrollo de tecnologías amigables con el ambiente, la regulación sobre el acceso a los recursos naturales y la formación de capital humano.
The sustainable agriculture in Costa Rica must recognize the need of intensifying the productivity as a way to support the increasing demand created by the population growth, but at the same time it has to prevent the best use and conservation of the natural resources. Without natural resources there is no agriculture and without it there isn’t food support. It’s hoped that Costa Rica can satisfy the growing demand of food and other agriculture products; avoiding the fast process of degradation that our soils and forest are suffering. The sustainable agriculture process in Costa Rica and other countries of the region presents an increasing demand of land and natural resources; which causes social, economic and ecological conflicts and competence. This is why Costa Rica must organize a strategy of sustainable development that contemplates the effects of the demographic growth, food support, biodiversity protection, ecosystem regeneration, development of friendly technologies with the environment, regulation on the use of natural resources and the formation of better thought human beings.
The sustainable agriculture in Costa Rica must recognize the need of intensifying the productivity as a way to support the increasing demand created by the population growth, but at the same time it has to prevent the best use and conservation of the natural resources. Without natural resources there is no agriculture and without it there isn’t food support. It’s hoped that Costa Rica can satisfy the growing demand of food and other agriculture products; avoiding the fast process of degradation that our soils and forest are suffering. The sustainable agriculture process in Costa Rica and other countries of the region presents an increasing demand of land and natural resources; which causes social, economic and ecological conflicts and competence. This is why Costa Rica must organize a strategy of sustainable development that contemplates the effects of the demographic growth, food support, biodiversity protection, ecosystem regeneration, development of friendly technologies with the environment, regulation on the use of natural resources and the formation of better thought human beings.