Paleontología de una sección del río Corredores, formación Curré, Mioceno, Costa Rica
artículo original
Aguilar Alvarez, Ana Teresita
Acevedo Peralta, Benjamín
Ulloa Carmiol, Andrés
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En una sección del río Corredores aflora una secuencia de areniscas finas a gruesas en estratos (dm-m) subverticales orientados predominantemente N-S. Se reconocieron 43 especies de moluscos, crustáceos, fragmentos de equinodermos e icnofósiles de muy buena preservación. Esta secuencia se correlaciona con la Formación Curré. Con base en los foraminíferos planctónicos se data la base de la secuencia como Mioceno Temprano (zonas N4-N5), por lo que se propone ampliar el rango de la Formación a todo el Mioceno. Los moluscos son el grupo con mayor biodiversidad, presentando alrededor de 25 especies de gasterópodos y 18 de bivalvos. Se describe una especie nueva: Nuculana (Saccella) corredorensis. Los bivalvos en su mayoría se encuentran en posición vital (Nuculana, Ostrea) y en niveles bien definidos, principalmente de Ostras. Los gasterópodos son principalmente especies carnívoras y se alimentaron de la abundante fauna de bivalvos produciendo ichnofosiles tipo praedicnia: Oichnus isp.. Los crustáceos están representados por carapaces de cangrejos, que constituyen mudas bastante completas y tenazas aisladas. Los Equinoidea incluyen placas aisladas y espículas. Los icnofósiles están representados por Thalassinoides isp. y Oichnus isp. El depósito representa una biofacies vital lipostrate, constituida por una biocenosis de fondo, con organismos que vivieron en la zona sublitoral y acumulación de organismos de otras comunidades conformando eventos tempestíticos.
In the Corredores river a sequence of fine to coarse sandstones crops out. The beds are subvertical trending N-S. The rocks are greenish gray in color and contain 43 species of mollusks, crustaceans, fragments of echinoderms and trace fossils (Thalassinoides, Oichnus) of very good preservation. This sequence is correlated with the Curré Formation. Based on planktonic forams dated as Early Miocene (N4-N5 zones) suggesting a broadening of the age of the Formation to encompass all Miocene. Mollusks are the group with greater biodiversity, presenting around 25 species of gastropods and 18 of bivalves. A new species was described: Nuculana (Saccella) corredoresnsis. The bivalves in their majority presents conjugated shells and some species (Nuculana, Ostrea) are in vital position in defined levels mainly of Oysters. Most of the gastropods are carnivorous fed on the abundant fauna of bivalves (some with Praedicnia ichnofossils: Oichnus isp.). The crustaceans are represented by crab ́s exoskele -tons that constitute shells quite complete and isolate pincers. The echinoderms are found as isolate plates of Echinoidea and spines. Ichnofossils are represented by Thalassidoidesisp. and Oichnus isp. This deposit is interpreted as a vital lipostrate biofacies, constituted by a basic biocoenosis, with organisms that lived in the sublittoral zone and by taphocoenosis of deeper water organisms as tempestitic events.
In the Corredores river a sequence of fine to coarse sandstones crops out. The beds are subvertical trending N-S. The rocks are greenish gray in color and contain 43 species of mollusks, crustaceans, fragments of echinoderms and trace fossils (Thalassinoides, Oichnus) of very good preservation. This sequence is correlated with the Curré Formation. Based on planktonic forams dated as Early Miocene (N4-N5 zones) suggesting a broadening of the age of the Formation to encompass all Miocene. Mollusks are the group with greater biodiversity, presenting around 25 species of gastropods and 18 of bivalves. A new species was described: Nuculana (Saccella) corredoresnsis. The bivalves in their majority presents conjugated shells and some species (Nuculana, Ostrea) are in vital position in defined levels mainly of Oysters. Most of the gastropods are carnivorous fed on the abundant fauna of bivalves (some with Praedicnia ichnofossils: Oichnus isp.). The crustaceans are represented by crab ́s exoskele -tons that constitute shells quite complete and isolate pincers. The echinoderms are found as isolate plates of Echinoidea and spines. Ichnofossils are represented by Thalassidoidesisp. and Oichnus isp. This deposit is interpreted as a vital lipostrate biofacies, constituted by a basic biocoenosis, with organisms that lived in the sublittoral zone and by taphocoenosis of deeper water organisms as tempestitic events.
Palabras clave
Moluscos, Río Corredores, Formación Curré, Mioceno, Costa Rica, Mollusks, Corredores River, Curré Formation, Miocene, Costa Rica, 577.647 286 Ecología de ríos y de arroyos