Carencias en la formación inicial y continua de los docentes y bajo rendimiento escolar en matemática en Costa Rica
artículo original
Gaete Astica, Marcelo
Jiménez Asenjo, Wendy
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Universidad de Costa Rica
A petición del Consejo Superior de Educación de Costa Rica, se realizaron dos investigaciones que buscaban develar cuáles son los factores que inciden en el bajo rendimiento en matemática, tanto en secundaria como en primaria. Éstas fueron cualitativas y recogieron las interpretaciones que los propios actores daban a su situación, en este sentido se llevaron a cabo grupos focales, entrevistas y cuestionarios a estudiantes, docentes y asesores de matemática. Además de un grupo focal con directores institucionales, encargados de familia y estudiantes de educación de dos universidades públicas y una privada, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semi estructuradas con investigadores nacionales e internacionales queson especialista en el tema de educación matemática. En los principales hallazgos se vislumbran cinco aspectos que impactan el rendimiento académico en matemática: problemas en la formación docente (pedagógico), lo actitudinal en el que se evidencia una fobia cultural hacia la matemática, problemas de infraestructura, problemas para contratación docente y la falta de atención a las condiciones socio-culturales de los estudiantes.
At the request of the Consejo Superior de Educación of Costa Rica, two research projects were conducted that sought to reveal the factors that affect the poor performance in mathematics in both secondary and primaryschool. These were qualitative projects and collected perceptions by the actors within the educational system about their situation. Focus groups,interviews and questionnaires completed by students, teachers and mathematics consultants were conducted. In addition to one focus group with institutional authorities, family responsible and education students from two public universities and one private, semi-structured interviews withnational and international experts in the area of Mathematics Education were accomplished. The five major findings relate to emerging issuesthat impact academic performance in mathematics: problems in the teacher training (mathematical pedagogy), attitudes which show a cultural phobia towards mathematics, problems of infrastructure, problems in the hiring of teachers and about the lack of attention to socio-cultural conditions of students.
At the request of the Consejo Superior de Educación of Costa Rica, two research projects were conducted that sought to reveal the factors that affect the poor performance in mathematics in both secondary and primaryschool. These were qualitative projects and collected perceptions by the actors within the educational system about their situation. Focus groups,interviews and questionnaires completed by students, teachers and mathematics consultants were conducted. In addition to one focus group with institutional authorities, family responsible and education students from two public universities and one private, semi-structured interviews withnational and international experts in the area of Mathematics Education were accomplished. The five major findings relate to emerging issuesthat impact academic performance in mathematics: problems in the teacher training (mathematical pedagogy), attitudes which show a cultural phobia towards mathematics, problems of infrastructure, problems in the hiring of teachers and about the lack of attention to socio-cultural conditions of students.