Encuentros intergeneracionales virtuales: intercambio de experiencias entre personas adultas mayores de la Biblioteca Municipal Tulio Perlaza y estudiantes del Cotepecos, Sabana Sur
tesis de maestría
Fonseca Céspedes, Ivannia
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Se han estudiado y comprobado ampliamente los beneficios que generan los programas
intergeneracionales en las poblaciones que participan en ellos. A partir de ahí surgió el interés
en realizar una investigación de este tipo y se propuso como objetivo general desarrollar un
proyecto de encuentros intergeneracionales virtuales con el fin de que personas adultas
mayores de la Biblioteca Tulio Perlaza y adolescentes del Colegio Técnico Profesional de
Educación Comercial y Servicios (COTEPECOS), tengan la oportunidad de algunos
intercambios de experiencias de acuerdo con sus necesidades e intereses.
Esta investigación de enfoque cualitativo se llevó a cabo bajo el método de investigación -
acción. Participaron en ella doce personas: seis personas adultas mayores y seis adolescentes
de quinto año del COTEPECOS. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro sesiones de prueba, tres con las
personas mayores y una con adolescentes, esto como preparación a la fase de
implementación, la cual constó de seis sesiones.
Como parte de los resultados se discute la capacidad que tienen las personas adultas mayores
para aprender temas relacionados con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
(TIC), siempre y cuando estén interesadas en este aprendizaje. También se abordó el tema de
los estereotipos y como estos se presentaron en ambas poblaciones e incluso reforzando
algunos existentes sobre su propio grupo etario. La subcategoría de aprendizaje fue la que se
presentó con mayor frecuencia; las habilidades aprendidas las pueden aplicar en su vida
diaria, propiciando mayor independencia en las personas participantes.
También se trabajó la subcategoría de legado, tanto las personas mayores como adolescentes
identificaron y reconocieron el legado de otras personas en sus vidas, incluso en algunas
tareas que hoy desempeñan. La empatía también fue un elemento presente en esta
investigación, ambas generaciones trataron de ponerse en el lugar de la otra, encontraron
intereses y necesidades en común, aspectos que conllevan a la solidaridad intergeneracional.
Dentro de las conclusiones más importantes, se rescata la heterogeneidad de ambos grupos
etarios, es decir, las distintas maneras de vivenciar la adolescencia y la adultez mayor, las
relaciones que surgen de este tipo de encuentros y que están mediadas por el intercambio de
conocimientos, la capacidad de aprendizaje que es independiente de la edad y la importancia
del acompañamiento en estos procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Finalmente, con base en los resultados se recomienda crear espacios en las comunidades para
que personas adultas mayores y jóvenes puedan intercambiar experiencias y conocimientos,
estos espacios deben ser planificados y responder a las necesidades e intereses de ambas
poblaciones. También se recomienda acompañar a las personas mayores en el aprendizaje de
TIC, para de esta manera combatir la brecha digital.
The benefits generated by intergenerational programs in populations that participate in them have been widely studied and proven. From there, interest arose in carrying out an investigation of this type and the general objective was to develop a project of virtual intergenerational meetings so that older adults from the Biblioteca Municipal Tulio Perlaza and adolescents from the Colegio Técnico Profesional de Educación Comercial y Servicios (COTEPECOS), could exchange experiences according to their needs and interests. This qualitative approach research was carried out under the action research method. Twelve people participated: six older adults and six fifth-year adolescents from COTEPECOS. Four previous sessions were carried out, three with the elderly and one with adolescents, in preparation for the implementation phase, which consisted of six sessions. As part of the results, the ability of older adults to learn topics related to information and communication technologies (ICT) is discussed, if they are interested in this learning. The issue of stereotypes was also addressed and how they were presented in both populations and even reinforcing some existing ones about their own age group. The learning subcategory was the one that appeared most frequently; skills learned can be applied in their daily lives, promoting greater independence in the participants. The legacy subcategory was also worked on, both older people and adolescents identified and recognized the legacy of other people in their lives, including some tasks they do today. Empathy was also an element present in this research, both generations tried to put themselves in the other's place, they found common interests and needs, aspects that lead to intergenerational solidarity. Among the most important conclusions, the heterogeneity of both age groups is rescued, that is the different ways of experiencing adolescence and older adulthood, the relationships that arise from this type of encounter that are mediated by the exchange of knowledge, the learning capacity that is independent of age and the importance of accompaniment in these teaching-learning processes. Finally, based on the results, it is recommended to create spaces in the communities so that older adults and young people can exchange experiences and knowledge, these spaces must be planned and respond to the needs and interests of both populations. It is also recommended to accompany the elderly in learning ICT, to combat the digital divide.
The benefits generated by intergenerational programs in populations that participate in them have been widely studied and proven. From there, interest arose in carrying out an investigation of this type and the general objective was to develop a project of virtual intergenerational meetings so that older adults from the Biblioteca Municipal Tulio Perlaza and adolescents from the Colegio Técnico Profesional de Educación Comercial y Servicios (COTEPECOS), could exchange experiences according to their needs and interests. This qualitative approach research was carried out under the action research method. Twelve people participated: six older adults and six fifth-year adolescents from COTEPECOS. Four previous sessions were carried out, three with the elderly and one with adolescents, in preparation for the implementation phase, which consisted of six sessions. As part of the results, the ability of older adults to learn topics related to information and communication technologies (ICT) is discussed, if they are interested in this learning. The issue of stereotypes was also addressed and how they were presented in both populations and even reinforcing some existing ones about their own age group. The learning subcategory was the one that appeared most frequently; skills learned can be applied in their daily lives, promoting greater independence in the participants. The legacy subcategory was also worked on, both older people and adolescents identified and recognized the legacy of other people in their lives, including some tasks they do today. Empathy was also an element present in this research, both generations tried to put themselves in the other's place, they found common interests and needs, aspects that lead to intergenerational solidarity. Among the most important conclusions, the heterogeneity of both age groups is rescued, that is the different ways of experiencing adolescence and older adulthood, the relationships that arise from this type of encounter that are mediated by the exchange of knowledge, the learning capacity that is independent of age and the importance of accompaniment in these teaching-learning processes. Finally, based on the results, it is recommended to create spaces in the communities so that older adults and young people can exchange experiences and knowledge, these spaces must be planned and respond to the needs and interests of both populations. It is also recommended to accompany the elderly in learning ICT, to combat the digital divide.
Palabras clave
Encuentros intergeneracionales, Personas adultas mayores, JOVEN, INFORMACIÓN CIENTÍFICA