China por radio: la experiencia de “Costa Rica, Nihao!”
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Arias Núñez, Carolina
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Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica
Las primeras llegadas de chinos a Costa Rica datan de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Desde entonces, empezaron a integrarse a la sociedad local como trabajadores de fincas, del servicio doméstico y en la construcción del ferrocarril al Atlántico. Hasta hoy, la comunidad china ha contribuido a conformar la cultura costarricense moderna. A pesar de esto, la presencia de chinos, su cultura o su idioma en los medios de comunicación locales son prácticamente inexistentes, a excepción de algunas celebraciones o tradiciones. Además, los periodistas descendientes de chinos que trabajan en medios se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano. Por lo anterior, la revista “Costa Rica, Nihao!” es un programa pionero, no sólo por colocar la cultura y el idioma chinos en un medio radiofónico nacional, por primera vez, sino también por conjuntar esfuerzos de costarricenses, chinos y chino-costarricenses para dar voz y contenido a sus diversas secciones. En este artículo, queremos presentar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas (análisis FODA) del programa “Costa Rica, Nihao!”, como base para definir planes de acción, de cara a su sobrevivencia y expansión como modelo mediático educativo, tanto en Costa Rica, como en otros países de Latinoamérica.
The first arrivals of Chinese people to Costa Rica dateback to second half of nineteenth century. Since then, they began to integrate into the local society as farm workers, domestic service, and construction of the railway to the Atlantic. To the present, the Chinese community has helped to shape Costa Rican modern culture. Despite this, the presence of Chinese culture or language in local media is virtually absent, except for certain celebrations and traditions. Furthermore, Chinese journalists working in media can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Therefore, the magazine “Costa Rica, Nihao!” is a pioneering program, not only for broadcast- ing Chinese culture and language on national radio for the first time, but also for joint efforts of Ticos, Chinese and Tico-Chinese to give voice and content to its various sections. In this paper, we present the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) of “Costa Rica, Nihao!” radioshow, as a basis for defining actions towards its survival and expansion as an educational media model in Costa Rica, as in other Latin American countries.
Instituto Confucio, Universidad de Costa Rica
The first arrivals of Chinese people to Costa Rica dateback to second half of nineteenth century. Since then, they began to integrate into the local society as farm workers, domestic service, and construction of the railway to the Atlantic. To the present, the Chinese community has helped to shape Costa Rican modern culture. Despite this, the presence of Chinese culture or language in local media is virtually absent, except for certain celebrations and traditions. Furthermore, Chinese journalists working in media can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Therefore, the magazine “Costa Rica, Nihao!” is a pioneering program, not only for broadcast- ing Chinese culture and language on national radio for the first time, but also for joint efforts of Ticos, Chinese and Tico-Chinese to give voice and content to its various sections. In this paper, we present the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) of “Costa Rica, Nihao!” radioshow, as a basis for defining actions towards its survival and expansion as an educational media model in Costa Rica, as in other Latin American countries.
Instituto Confucio, Universidad de Costa Rica
Palabras clave
Costa Rica, China, radio-revista, Instituto Confucio, Radio U, Costa Rica, China, radio magazine, Confucius Institute, Radio U