Desencuentros y continuidades epistémicas: nuevas miradas de la disciplina de la comunicación desde el pensamiento descolonial y la comunicación para el cambio social
comunicación de congreso
Araya Jiménez, Lisbeth
Espinoza Rojas, Johan
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XII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación
Con el objetivo de mirar críticamente la labor que hacemos las y los comunicadores, sea desde la formación, la investigación o la práctica profesional, en las siguientes líneas compartimos una reflexión sobre la disciplina de la comunicación enfatizando por un lado en los retos que implica el abandono del binomio objetividad-neutralidad, el cual ha llevado a que la disciplina pretenda un distanciamiento de la realidad, de los fenómenos que se estudian, analizan e informan asumiéndose como apolítica. Por otro lado deliberamos sobre la necesaria ruptura con la clásica y tradicional comprensión funcionalista de la comunicación, donde un proceso tan complejo se reduce simplemente a la creación y recepción de mensajes, en la que claramente existe un emisor privilegiado.
La ruptura con estas dos posturas clásicas y su episteme, nos dirige a la comunicación para el cambio social que defendemos y promovemos en estas líneas, la cual critica férreamente la comunicación funcionalista, sus postulados y prácticas; y aparece como una posible respuesta en el marco de las sociedades excluyentes, clasistas, desiguales, autoritarias, globalizadas y homogenizantes en las que vivimos las y los latinoamericanos.
Para esta deliberación nos afincamos también en los postulados del pensamiento descolonial, conscientes sin embargo, de la amplitud de la teoría y su difícil aprehensión para quienes somos neófitos en la materia.
We reflect on the field of communication with the objective of critically examining the work that we as communicators do from whether education, research or professional practice. We focus on, first, the challenges that the abandonment of the binomial objectivity-neutrality implies, which has made this field to grow apart from reality and from the phenomena that we study, analyze and inform about; and hence, presuming it as apolitical. Second, we debate on the needed rupture with the classical and traditional functionalist understanding of communication where a so complex process diminishes to simple creation and reception of messages in which there clearly exists a privileged emitter. The rupture of these classical viewpoints and its episteme leads us to communication for a social change, which we advocate and promote in this work. Communication for Social Change strongly criticize a functionalist communication, its postulates and practices, and it rises as a possible response under a framework which excludes, classist, unequal, authoritarian, globalized, and homogenized societies in which we, Latin Americans live in. For this deliberation, we also settle on the postulates of a decolonializing thinking; however, being aware of the theoretical breadth and its difficult apprehension for those like us who are novice on the subject.
We reflect on the field of communication with the objective of critically examining the work that we as communicators do from whether education, research or professional practice. We focus on, first, the challenges that the abandonment of the binomial objectivity-neutrality implies, which has made this field to grow apart from reality and from the phenomena that we study, analyze and inform about; and hence, presuming it as apolitical. Second, we debate on the needed rupture with the classical and traditional functionalist understanding of communication where a so complex process diminishes to simple creation and reception of messages in which there clearly exists a privileged emitter. The rupture of these classical viewpoints and its episteme leads us to communication for a social change, which we advocate and promote in this work. Communication for Social Change strongly criticize a functionalist communication, its postulates and practices, and it rises as a possible response under a framework which excludes, classist, unequal, authoritarian, globalized, and homogenized societies in which we, Latin Americans live in. For this deliberation, we also settle on the postulates of a decolonializing thinking; however, being aware of the theoretical breadth and its difficult apprehension for those like us who are novice on the subject.
ponencia -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Trabajo presentado en el XII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación, Lima, Perú, 2014.
Palabras clave
Comunicación, Neutralidad, Objetividad, Comunicación Funcionalista, Comunicación para el Cambio Social, Teoría Descolonial, Communication, Neutrality, Objectivity, Functionalist Communication, Communication for Social Change, Descolonization Theory