Recent Submissions

  • Optimiza - un paquete computacional para la optimización de problemas no lineales 

    Palencia F., Gonzalo; Molina P., Vicente; Llano R., Venzyslav (2009-02-18)
    Our goal is to build a software able to solve problems in non linear optimization. A central point is selection of the algorithm, which is based on Augmented Lagrangian Method combined with quasi-Newton methods (BFGS, ...
  • Un frailty aditivo en modelos de supervivencia bivariante 

    Navarrete Álvarez, Esteban; García Leal, Julia; Lara Porras, Ana María (2009-02-18)
    Bivariate survival models based on the presence of an unobseved random covariate, grailty, tend to assume a proportional hazard hypothesis. A bivariate survival model is constructed. It is based on frailty model that acts ...
  • Un enfoque diferente de las técnicas de clustering para el estudio de epidemias 

    Casas Cardoso, Gladys M.; Grau Abalo, Ricardo (2009-02-18)
    Classification of an outbreak with the category of epidemics requires that some epidemiological and statistical parameters, which have to be studied simultaneously, are satisfied; mathematical theory helps epidemiologists ...
  • Goal problems in gambling theory 

    Hill, Theodore (2009-02-18)
    A short introduction to goal problems in abstract gambling theory is given, along with statementes of some of the main theorems and a number of examples, open problems and references. Emphasis is on the finite-state, ...
  • El espacio cociente y algunas propiedades geométricas de los espacios de Banach 

    Morales, José R. (2009-02-18)
    We state some geometric properties of Banach spaces, such as uniformly convex spaces, uniformly non-square spaces, local uniformly convex spaces, strictly convex spaces, etc., and we analyze the problem of translating such ...
  • Ultraproductos de f-anillos proyectables 

    Guier Acosta, Jorge Ignacio (2009-02-18)
    In [7], Keimel representes the projectable f-rings as continuous sections of Hausdorff sheaves of totally ordered rings. Here, we give a result about the representation of ultraporducts of projectable f-rings in terms of ...
  • Relations of k-th derivative of dirac delta in hypercone with ultrahyperbolic operator 

    Aguirre T., Manuel A. (2009-02-18)
    In this paper we prove that the generalized functions d (k) (P+) - d (k) (P), d (k) (P-)-d (k) (-P) and d 1 (k) (P)-d 2 (k) (P)d are concentrated in the vertex of the cone P=0 and we find their relationship with the ...