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Ítem A Gesture-Based Interaction Approach for Manipulating Augmented Objects Using Leap Motion(2015-11) López Herrera, Gustavo; Quesada Quirós, Luis; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoAmbient Intelligence and Ubiquitous Computing are carrying the world to a reality where almost every object interacts with the environment, either via sensors or actuators, and users must learn how to interact with such systems. This paper presents a gesture-based interaction approach to manipulate such objects. We developed a prototype using a leap motion controller as a hand-tracking device, and a Support Vector Machine as a classifier to distinguish between gestures. Our system was evaluated by 12 users with over 10 commands. We also show a review on gesture-based interaction and compare other proposals with ours.Ítem Alexa vs. Siri vs. Cortana vs. Google Assistant: A Comparison of Speech-Based Natural User Interfaces(2017-07-17) López Herrera, Gustavo; Quesada Quirós, Luis; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoNatural User Interfaces (NUI) are supposed to be used by humans in a very logic way. However, the run to deploy Speech-based NUIs by the industry has had a large impact on the naturality of such interfaces. This paper presents a usability test of the most prestigious and internationally used Speech-based NUI (i.e., Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google’s). A comparison of the services that each one provides was also performed considering: access to music services, agenda, news, weather, To-Do lists and maps or directions, among others. The test was design by two Human Computer Interaction experts and executed by eight persons. Results show that even though there are many services available, there is a lot to do to improve the usability of these systems. Specially focused on separating the traditional use of computers (based on applications that require parameters to function) and to get closer to real NUIs.Ítem An experience with a de-identifying task to inform about privacy issues(2016) Esquivel Quirós, Luis Gustavo; Barrantes Sliesarieva, Elena GabrielaPeople tend to value their privacy, but are usually unaware about the extent to which their personal information is exposed through ordinary data available online. In this paper we describe an experience in which a group of students worked to identify a group of people from partial data that had been stripped of any direct identifiers, such as name or identification number. The students were successful in the assigned task, and as an indirect consequence, there was an increase of interest in the topic of privacy. With the partial evidence collected from this case, we argue that a hands-on, exercise-solving approach could be adapted to communicate privacy issues more effectivelyÍtem Análisis de la respuesta sísmica del Hospital Monseñor Sanabria(1990-11) Matamoros Hidalgo, Adolfo; Santana Barboza, GuillermoEl objetivo de este trabajo es el de evaluar la respuesta estructural de la torre principal del Hospital Monseñor Sanabria durante el Sismo de Cóbano del 25 de marzo de 1990 (cuyo epicentro se localiza a unos 40 Km del edificio). El edificio cuenta con 10 pisos y se encuentra en El Roble, provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Actualmente dicha estructura es una de las estaciones del Programa de Medición de Sismos Fuertes para Costa Rica. Al momento de ocurrencia del evento sísmico, la estructura estaba en proceso de reforzamiento estructural. La evaluación de la respuesta se efectúa mediante el modelaje por microcomputadora de las principales características dinámicas de la estructura. Se consideran para tal efecto dos arreglos estructurales. El primero corresponde al estado inicial del edificio antes del reforzamiento. El segundo trata de reflejar la fase intermedia de reforzamiento en el momento del evento sísmico. Ambos modelos consideran que el comportamiento de la estructura es lineal y elástico. Con los resultados obtenidos de los dos análisis dinámicos, se establecen comparaciones de las propiedades geométricas de la estructura y de sus características dinámicas, antes y después del refuerzo, tratando de estimar en cual caso las solicitaciones de sismo hubieran causado mayores daños. También se hace una comparación de las cargas de sismo con las que se obtendrían de un análisis utilizando el espectro de diseño para estructura tipo 4 sobre suelo blando que especifica el código sísmico de Costa Rica, el código ATC 3-06 y el código UBC.Ítem Applying a Verification Protocol to Evaluate the Accuracy of Functional Size Measurement Procedures: An Empirical Approach(2016-01-05) Quesada López, Christian Ulises; Jenkins Coronas, MarceloThis paper presents a verification protocol for analyzing the source of inaccuracy in measurement activities of Function Points Analysis (FPA) and Automated Function Point (AFP). An empirical study was conducted with the protocol to determine the accuracy of FPA and AFP, and common differences during their application. The empirical study was conducted and differences between the measurement process regarding accuracy, reproducibility, and protocol adoption properties were reported. Effectiveness of the verification protocol to evaluate functional size measurement procedures was provided. The application of the protocol enabled participants to identify differences and their causes between counting results in a systematic way. Many participants had a favorable opinion regarding the usefulness of the protocol, and most of them agreed that the application of this protocol improved their understanding of measurement methods.Ítem Áreas recreativas en la GAM(2013) Pujol Mesalles, Rosendo; Barrantes Chaves, KarlaLas áreas recreativas, los espacios abiertos y especialmente los espacios naturales destinados a la recreación son componentes esenciales de la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía de cualquier región metropolitana. Esta necesidad es especialmente importante en la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) dado que el suministro de áreas verdes es escaso en muchos municipios y áreas de la región.Ítem Defining ‘Architecture’ for Software Engineering – A Review of Terminology(2017-06-11) Guzmán Benavides, Julio César; López Herrera, Gustavo; Pacheco Hernández, AlexiaThere are many terms used in the industry that relate to similar topics. Architecture is one of them. In many companies, representatives develop Information Architectures even though this term was conceptualized to be used in the domains of Information Systems or Information Technology. Moreover, different consultant agencies, consortia or working groups create standards or guidelines that sometimes use these concepts interchangeably. In this paper, we want to provide a comprehensible definition of the most common (Architecture-related) concepts used by members of the information technology community into non-software development companies. In addition, a literature review is also conducted to determine the academic use of these terms, and a website based review is conducted to gather the most common definitions provided in articles that do not undergo peer reviews.Ítem Design and Evaluation of a Personalized Cancer Treatment System using Human-Computer Interaction Techniques(2016) Martínez Porras, Alexandra; Mora Rodríguez, Rodrigo Antonio; López Herrera, Gustavo; Bolaños Araya, Constantino; Alvarado González, Daniel; Solano Portuguez, Andrés; López Quirós, Mariana; Quirós Barrantes, Steve; Báez Astúa, AndrésThis paper presents a case study where Human-Computer Interaction techniques were applied in the design and evaluation of a health system. The system consisted of a software platform that supports personalized cancer chemotherapy based on a tumor chemosensitivity assay. The essential background on personalized cancer treatment is provided. The system was designed using “contextual design,” a usercentered technique that involves contextual inquiry, interpretation, work modeling, consolidation, visioning, storyboarding and paper prototyping. The most salient products from the design phase and details of the system implementation are shown. The system was assessed using the Heuristic Evaluation method, which is a usability inspection performed by experts. Results from this evaluation indicate that only one of ten heuristics was missing from the system, while five were partially covered and four were fully covered.Ítem Designing Tools that Allows Children in the Early Childhood to Program Robots(2017) Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; López Herrera, Gustavo; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoThis paper describes the design and evaluation process of two mobile programming assistance tools that allow children in the early childhood to develop programs and execute them using robots. The tools are called TITIBOTS and TITIBOTS Colab which incorporates collaboration. The tools have icon-based interfaces and integrate visual programming, robotics, and mobile devices as one tool. The main issues and lessons learned during the design process are described. The methodology used in this project was User-Centered Design (UCD) process. The tools were developed and evaluated applying participatory-design, experience prototyping, and usability testing. The final product are two simple, intuitive, and easy to use tools, for children between 4 and 6 years old. The results were promising: children liked the applications and were willing to continue using it to program robots for solving specific tasks.Ítem Development and Evaluation of Augmented Object Prototypes for Notifications in Collaborative Writing Environments(2016) Brenes Carranza, José Antonio; López Herrera, Gustavo; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoIn Ubiquitous Computing, augmented objects refer to those elements of the real world which have been provided with computational capabilities to meet a specific need. Meanwhile, Collaborative Writing Environments (CWE) allow groups of people to work together and increase the chances of success and share knowledge when they are working on shared documents. An extremely important aspect in CWEs is notification mechanisms as these are essential to provide users awareness about the collaborative work they are doing. In this paper, we describe a set of augmented objects created to support the notification in CWEs; these objects can improve the way in which the notifications are delivered to users, according to the writing strategy defined by the collaboration team.Ítem e-Ciencia en Costa Rica(Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio: Universidad de Costa Rica, Programa Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento, 2008-04) Córdoba, SarayLa e-ciencia permite al investigador realizar investigación más rápida, diferente y mejor. En este capítulo se realiza un análisis sobre el estado actual de la e-Ciencia en Costa Rica para llegar a algunas conclusiones. Para ello se hizo un repaso de los avances alcanzados en otros países en el mundo desarrollado y en América Latina, de los requisitos que se deben tener en los diferentes países para avanzar en la investigación apoyada por tecnología de punta, de la importancia del acceso abierto y las políticas que deben tender a su fortalecimiento. Algunas conclusiones que se incluyen son: 1. El estado de la e-Ciencia en Costa Rica es incipiente. 2. Existen esfuerzos aislados y ejemplares en las universidades públicas que podrían considerarse como pioneros. 3. No existen políticas nacionales que incentiven su aplicación. 4. Es necesaria la capacitación, la discusión sobre cómo encauzar las acciones futuras y la formación de actitudes positivas hacia su desarrollo.Ítem El condominio de interés social(2020) Morales Alpízar, Manuel; von Breymann Miranda, Helga; Durán Segura, Luis Armando; Villalta Flórez-Estrada, Mario; León Rodríguez, Roy; Von Breymann Fernández, Randolph; Jiménez Elizondo, AlejandroEl documento presenta una síntesis de hallazgos, conclusiones y recomendaciones extraídas del análisis de la figura del condominio de interés social, de su implementación estratégica a nivel de política pública como instrumento técnico y normativo para la promoción del hábitat y la vivienda, así como el desarrollo de programas de regularización de asentamientos informales y de mejoramiento barrial. Se ha abordado, para estos efectos, un análisis del contexto y antecedentes alrededor de esta figura, además de un examen de casos representativos del contexto nacional.Ítem Exploratory Analysis of Research Publications on Robotics in Costa Rica Main Public Universities(2021) Chaverri Ruiz, Juan Pablo; Vega Vega, Adrián; Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; Mora Jiménez, Ariel; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoThe article presents the main robotic trends linked to the publications of the institutional repositories of the five main Costa Rican public universities: Tecnológico de Costa Rica, University of Costa Rica, National University, State Distance University, and National Technical University. The publications were obtained after using the keyword ‘robotics’ in the search engines of each repository. This procedure generated 241 results, of which only 55 were relevant, according to the application of five selection criteria. The analysis of the publications involved the categorization of nine general variables and the counting of their frequencies. The results obtained indicate that the publications cover a period of 14 years, in which male participation predominates and the presence of the Tecnológico de Costa Rica and the University of Costa Rica. The main robotic fields detected correspond to educational, autonomous, and industrial robotics.Ítem Fear and segregation: Anxiety Beyond Gated Communities. The Costa Rican case(2022-01-01) Barrantes Chaves, KarlaSpatial segregation is one of the main consequences of building gated communities. They are typically walled or fenced, with private security and surveillance devices. Gated communities have been spreading rapidly in Latin America as they are seen as ‘shelters’ against crime; paradoxically, they might be catalysing the fear of crime towards the neighbouring public spaces, fuelling a vicious circle of fear. The way they are fortified represents more than a physical barrier; it contributes to rising tensions between those on different sides of the wall. This essay explores the perception of non-gated residents from eight case studies with different levels of poverty within the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. Those views were gathered mainly through walks tracked with a GPS and focus groups; the qualitative data from the walks were codified and visualised through ‘Talk’s track maps’. The essay addresses how gated communities’ edges exacerbate the exclusion feelings in adjacent neighbourhoods and how those reactions are linked to fear of crime.Ítem Formalización del proceso de ordenamiento territorial mediante ordenanzas y reglamentos municipales(2011) Barrantes Chaves, KarlaEste documento es el quinto capítulo del libro: Guía de ordenamiento territorial en espacios rurales. Este capítulo se titula como “Formalización del proceso de ordenamiento territorial mediante ordenanzas y reglamentos municipales”. En este capítulo está a cargo de Karla Barrantes Chaves. Y se describe la normativa del ordenamiento territorial y sus principales desafíos.Ítem HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Enhancement with Hybrid Postfilters(2018) Coto Jiménez, Marvin; Goddard Close, John; Petrova, Victoria M.In this chapter, we introduce hybrid postfilters into speech synthesis, with the objective of enhancing the quality of the synthesized speech. Our approach combines a Wiener filter with deep neural networks. Several attempts to enhance synthetic speech have contemplated single-stage deep-learning-based postfilters, which learn to perform a mapping of the synthetic speech parameters to the natural ones. In the synthetic speech produced by statistical methods, we have measured low-level noise components, so the common single-stage postfilters must achieve the reduction of that component, as well as the complex relationship between the parameters of the synthetic and the natural speech. That is why we consider a two-stage approach: In the first stage, the Wiener filter deals with the noise components of the synthetic speech. In the second stage, a set of multi-stream postfilters, which encompass a collection of autoencoders and auto-associative networks, deal with the relationship between the output of the Wiener filter and the natural speech. Results show that the hybrid approach succeeds in enhancing the synthetic speech in most cases compared to a single-stage approach.Ítem Metodología para la construcción de voces artificiales para la educación inclusiva(2021) Morales Rodríguez, Maribel; Coto Jiménez, MarvinLa integración de voces artificiales en dispositivos tecnológicos es una opción para favorecer la comunicación en personas con discapacidad, ya que permite mayores herramientas para la inclusión de esta población, haciendo valer sus derechos establecidos en la Ley 8661. En la Universidad de Costa Rica se cuenta con un proyecto relacionado con tecnologías del habla para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población con discapacidad, inscrito desde Acción Social. Este proyecto apuesta por contribuir en los procesos de inclusión formulando sistemas de comunicación aumentativa con uso de voz artificial para niños, generando voces artificiales que se ajusten en género y edad a su propia identidad. Los avances recientes en tecnologías del habla, apoyados en sistemas que incorporan inteligencia artificial, hacen factible la generación de voces con sonido más flexibles, abriendo la posibilidad de crear voces personalizadas de acuerdo con acentos y condiciones específicas. Uno de los mayores retos que se tienen es la obtención de datos de calidad, a partir de voces naturales de niños, para poder emularlos con ayuda de la computadora. En la presente ponencia mostramos el diseño de datos y la estrategias de interacción con niños, para grabar sus voces de manera que sean aprovechables para crear voces artificiales nuevas que se puedan aplicar en sistemas de comunicación aumentativa que promuevan el acceso de sus usuarios a una participación activa en sus propios procesos de aprendizaje.Ítem NAO as a Copresenter in a Robotics Workshop - Participant’s Feedback on the Engagement Level Achieved with a Robot in the Classroom(2019) Hernández Cedeño, Joseiby; Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; Guerrero Blanco, Luis Alberto; Vega Vega, AdriánRobotics, combined with computer science and human-centered studies, can have a substantial impact in areas such as education and innovation. Robots have proven to be a good tool to gain and maintain users’ involvement in different activities. In education, robots can be used as teaching assistants to improve participation, enhance concentration or just to get students’ attention. In this research, we involved an NAO, a humanoid robot, in a workshop presentation with the aim of measuring the impact of this technique on the level of engagement showed by the participants. The robot was programmed to simulate speech and gesticulate while it talked to apply the Wizard of Oz technique.Ítem Object Recognition Using Hierarchical Temporal Memory(2018-02-17) Fallas Moya, Fabián; Torres Rojas, FranciscoAt this time, great effort is being directed toward developing problem-solving technology that mimics human cognitive processes. Research has been done to develop object recognition using Computer Vision for daily tasks such as secure access, traffic management, and robotic behavior. For this research, four different machine learning algorithms have been developed to overcome the computer vision problem of object recognition. Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) is an emerging technology based on biological methods of the human cortex to learn patterns. This research applied an HTM algorithm to images (video sequences) in order to compare this technique against two others: support vector machines (SVM) and artificial neural networks (ANN). It was concluded that HTM was the most effective.Ítem Participación ciudadana para la conservación de los paisajes culturales de la UNESCO en América Latina: crítica descolonial para el tránsito entre la teoría y la práctica(2018) Riba Hernández, LucíaLa categoría de paisaje cultural, según ha sido establecida por la unesco, se plantea como la estrategia que posibilitaría la conservación integrada de paisajes, resolviendo al menos teóricamente la dicotomía entre el patrimonio cultural y natural presente en la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial de 1972. En la región latinoamericana son nueve los territorios incluidos como paisajes culturales en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial, y son muchos los esfuerzos de articulación y gestión que los Estados realizan para garantizar la conservación de los aspectos que dieron pie al reconocimiento del valor universal excepcional en estos sitios. Entre estos esfuerzos está el garantizar la participación de los distintos agentes sociales; no obstante, varios autores han señalado este aspecto como uno de los que mayor dificultad presenta en las acciones de gestión. Este artículo propone discutir la relación entre la persistencia de la noción de patrimonio cultural como idea y práctica colonial, e identificar las limitaciones que esto conlleva para la implementación de la participación ciudadana en los procesos de conservación de los paisajes culturales. Al respecto, la conservación de paisajes culturales en el contexto latinoamericano implica el reconocimiento de la existencia de diferentes ciudadanías, de conflictos históricos relacionados con la reinvención del territorio, de su valoración como bien de mercado y de que la noción colonial del patrimonio perpetúa el discurso de la existencia de una nación, una identidad y una memoria, y de la dicotomía ser humano y naturaleza.