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Ítem A mobile application for improving the delivery process of notifications(2021-01) Ureña Madrigal, Heriberto; López Herrera, Gustavo; Díaz Oreiro, Ignacio; Quesada Quirós, LuisAt present, there are systems in charge of classifying and sending notifications to smart devices at different times. However, there are not many studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these systems in real world settings. We propose a method that classifies and prioritizes notifications by analyzing only the content of the notification and the sender of the message. We also developed a system implementing this method. User diaries were used to analyze the behavior of the system in real world situations, and the results showed that the implemented system significantly reduces interruptions to users. Additionally, the user experience of the system was evaluated through the standardized questionnaire UEQ (User Experience Questionnaire). The results obtained were positive in most of the scales of this instrument, above the average according to UEQ benchmarks. However, aspects such as stimulation and creativity can be improved in the future to motivate users to use the system.Ítem A systematic literature review of methodologies used for the design of serious games. A comparative analysis(2020-06-26) Sandí Delgado, Juan Carlos; Bazán, Patricia AlejandraThis article of systematic literature review presents the analysis of a series of methodological proposals, suggested for the design of educational video games. Nine different methodologies are analyzed. As part of the analysis, criteria are defined to describe and compare them, linked with the possibilities they have for the design of serious games. Criteria include: requirements elicitation and specification, pedagogical intention, pedagogical and ludic objectives definition, educational level and target public, roles identification, feedback type, user experiences analysis, objectives and methodologies validation. Main results indicate the following. 1) It is of vital importance, in the initial phase of a methodology design to incorporate the requirements elicitation and specification, as well as to define and assign roles of the different parties involved in the game production, all of this jointly and by consensus. 2) The definition of pedagogical objectives is closely related to the context use and it is important that it be done in the initial stage and then asses the game quality in the final stage. 3) It is important to incorporate the definition of pedagogical elements in the design. They will be helpful to assess the efficiency, learning and the user experience in relation with the interaction with the game. In addition, these pedagogical elements will facilitate the development of a quantitative record of learning to know the process and its quality by the user. It is concluded that the set of methodologies analyzed provide information in regards to the considerations when proposing a methodology for the design of a serious games. As a future work, there will be a methodological proposal, which will facilitate the integration of the aspects identified through the revision of the methodologies analyzed to guide systematically the design process of a serious game, specifically targeted to the teaching of digital competencies.Ítem Agile for Newbies: A Scrum Workshop Design and Implementation Process(2019) Guzmán Benavides, Julio César; López Herrera, Gustavo; Aymerich Fuentes, Brenda Aydil“Scrum is simple to understand but difficult to master”. This paper describes our efforts in designing and testing a 16-h Scrum workshop that provides an overview of Scrum´s core concepts. The workshop is intended for participants with little or no background on Scrum. Designed by four certified scrum masters, this workshop combines different practices gathered from a series of training and day to day applications of Scrum. We have tested and improved the workshop described in this paper in 5 iterations over the past two years. Feedback from participants and improvements proposed by instructors were incorporated. The workshop combines theoretical knowledge and practical activities to help participants interiorize the theory. The design of this workshop is modular so that it can be adapted to different participant´s needs. Activities are designed to be developed in workshops with 15 participants.Ítem Analyzing experiences of using effective feedback in the ESL classroom through the use of digital technologies(2020-06-26) Sandí Delgado, Juan Carlos; Mesén Hidalgo, RobertoThis article of systematic literature review presents the analysis of a series of experiences that use effective feedback in educational activities through the use and integration of digital technologies, specifically, in the classes of English as a second language in higher education. The revision analyzed 14 different experiences. As part of the analysis, criteria are defined to describe and compare them, linked with the possibilities of feedback to favor the formative processes at the higher education level. Criteria include: country of origin and level of education, design of feedback used, the timing of the feedback, the means of providing feedback, and the consideration of digital technologies. The main results indicate that the use of feedback, in the ESL classroom, allows learners to boost their capacity of analysis, critical thinking, and the resolution of problems linked with interlanguage. As a conclusion, the salience and positive impact of digital technologies are highlighted in favoring the positive and effective feedback, in the particular case of English as a second language. Finally, it is evident the use of computer -mediation, screencast, and web-based learning environments as the primary sources of authors used more frequently to implement effective feedback in higher education. It concludes that the set of experiences analyzed provides light in terms of the considerations needed to design and adjust formative processes that allow boosting effective feedback mediated by digital technologies. As future work, there will be the elaboration of a methodological proposal that helps to adjust the formative processes that enable the integration of digital technologies as mediators in the process of feedback between teachers and learners.Ítem Aplicación del nivel 1 estándar ASVS de OWASP: un caso de estudio(2016-04) Brenes Vindas, Enrique; Martínez Porras, AlexandraEste caso de estudio explora la aplicabilidad del nivel 1 del estándar para verificación de la seguridad de aplicaciones de OWASP en el contexto de una aplicación web de la industria financiera. Dos analistas de calidad no expertos en seguridad se encargaron de ejecutar el nivel 1 del estándar, reportando en una bitácora varias métricas relativas a las pruebas realizadas, el esfuerzo requerido y las vulnerabilidades encontradas. Luego, el equipo de desarrollo corrigió las vulnerabilidades reportadas, registrando el esfuerzo de corregir cada vulnerabilidad. Finalmente, un grupo de expertos en seguridad realizó una evaluación de la aplicación, detallando sus hallazgos en un informe. Los resultados aportan evidencia de que el nivel 1 del estándar ASVS puede ser aplicado por analistas de calidad que no sean expertos en seguridad, mediante análisis manual de código y técnicas de pruebas de penetración con apoyo de herramientas. En el software bajo estudio, las vulnerabilidades de Control de acceso y Autenticación fueron las más frecuentes, de mayor severidad y con mayor esfuerzo de reparación. La evaluación realizada por expertos en seguridad ayudó a comprobar que la cobertura del nivel 1 del estándar fue alta a pesar de haber sido realizada por personal inexperto en pruebas de seguridad.Ítem Assessing two graph-based algorithms in a model-based testing platform for Java applications(2020) Villalobos Arias, Leonardo; Quesada López, Christian Ulises; Martínez Porras, Alexandra; Jenkins Coronas, MarceloModel-based testing (MBT) is an approach for auto- matically generating test cases from a model of the system under test. Existing MBT tools support the automation of this process at varying degrees. One such tool is MBT4J, a research platform that extends ModelJUnit, offering a high level of automation. We ex- tended MBT4J with two graph-based algorithms: the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of these two new algorithms added to MBT4J by comparing them to previous algo- rithms implemented in the platform. A case study was conducted using two open-source Java applications from public repositories, and twenty-one different configurations. The CPP tester per- formed similarly to previous testers in terms of time and coverage, and in addition, it resulted in a greater percentage of failed test cases in one application. The BFS tester was able to generate a greater amount of test cases when using fewer resources. We thus recommend using these algorithms for generating test cases for systems with complex models.Ítem Catching up with Method and Process Practice: An Industry-Informed Baseline for Researchers(2019) Klünder, Jil; Hebig, Regina; Tell, Paolo; Kuhrmann, Marco; Nakatumba Nabende, Joyce; Heldal, Rogardt; Krusche, Stephan; Fazal Baqaie, Masud; Felderer, Michael; Genero Bocco, Marcela Fabiana; Küpper, Steffen; Licorish, Sherlock A.; López Herrera, Gustavo; McCaffery, Fergal; Özcan Top, Özden; Prause, Christian R.; Prikladnicki, Rafael; Tüzün, Eray; Pfahl, Dietmar; Schneider, Kurt; MacDonell, Stephen G.Software development methods are usually not ap- plied by the book. Companies are under pressure to continuously deploy software products that meet market needs and stakehold- ers’ requests. To implement efficient and effective development processes, companies utilize multiple frameworks, methods and practices, and combine these into hybrid methods. A common combination contains a rich management framework to organize and steer projects complemented with a number of smaller practices providing the development teams with tools to complete their tasks. In this paper, based on 732 data points collected through an international survey, we study the software develop- ment process use in practice. Our results show that 76.8% of the companies implement hybrid methods. Company size as well as the strategy in devising and evolving hybrid methods affect the suitability of the chosen process to reach company or project goals. Our findings show that companies that combine planned improvement programs with process evolution can increase their process’ suitability by up to 5%.Ítem Common causes and effects of technical debt in Costa Rica: InsighTD survey replication(2021-10) Murillo Quintana, María Isabel; Pacheco Hernández, Alexia; López Herrera, Gustavo; Marín Raventós, Gabriela; Guzmán Benavides, Julio CésarTechnical debt is a concept used to describe technical decisions that can benefit companies in the short term but can produce costs and software quality issues in the long term. Technical debt management can help enterprise profitability, sustainability, and the software industry's credibility. This paper presents a replication of the InsighTD survey (a globally distributed family of industrial surveys on causes and effects of TD), focusing on Costa Rica and comparing other regional countries. In total, 145 practitioners from the Costa Rican IT industry participated. Results show that the leading cause of technical debt is not technical (not only in Costa Rica but also in the region). On the other hand, the main effects reported are delivery delay and general dissatisfaction of the parties involved. A comparative study of InsighTD survey results in various countries is also included.Ítem Comparing the effort and effectiveness of automated and manual tests. An industrial case study(2019) Dobles Solano, José Ignacio; Martínez Porras, Alexandra; Quesada López, ChristianThis paper presents three case studies that compare the effort and effectiveness of automated versus manual testing, in the context of a multinational services organization. Effort is measured in terms of the total test time, which includes script creation and test execution in the case of automated testing, and comprises test execution and reporting in the case of manual testing. Effectiveness is measured in terms of the number and severity of defects found. The software under test is a set of Java web applications. The testing process was carried out by two testers within the organization. Our results show that automated testing needs a higher initial effort, mainly caused by the creation of the scripts, but this cost can be amortized in time as automated tests are executed multiple times for regression testing. Results also show that automated testing is more effective than manual testing at finding defects.Ítem Comparing written and voice captured responses of the user experience questionnaire (UEQ)(2022-03) Mata Serrano, Jean Carlo; Díaz Oreiro, Ignacio; López Herrera, Gustavo; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoStandardized questionnaires are widely used instruments to evaluate UX and their capture mechanism has been implemented in written form, either on paper or in digital format. This study aims to determine if the UX evaluations obtained in the standardized UEQ questionnaire (User Experience Questionnaire) are equivalent if the response capture mechanism is implemented using the traditional written form (digitally) or if a conversational voice interface is used. Having a UX evaluation questionnaire whose capture mechanism is implemented by voice could provide an alternative to collect user responses, preserving the advantages present in standardized questionnaires (quantitative results, statistically validated, self-reported by users) and adding the ease of use and growing adoption of conversational voice interfaces. The results of the case study described in this paper show that, with an adequate number of participants, there are no significant differences in the results of the six scales that make up UEQ when using either of the two response capture mechanisms.Ítem Conversational design patterns for a UX evaluation instrument implemented by voice(2022-03) Díaz Oreiro, Ignacio; López Herrera, Gustavo; Quesada Quirós, Luis; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoIn recent years there has been an increase of voice interfaces, driven by developments in Artificial Intelligence and the expansion of commercial devices that use them, such as smart assistants present on phones or smart speakers. One field that could take advantage of the potential of voice interaction is in the self-administered surveys data collection, such as standardized UX evaluation questionnaires. This work proposes a set of conversational design patterns for standardized UX evaluation questionnaires that use semantic difference scales as a means of collecting quantitative information on user experience, as is the case of AttrakDiff and UEQ (User Experience Questionnaire). The presented design patterns seek to establish a natural conversation created in accordance with the user, the conservation of context between subsequent questions, the minimization of statements and with statement repair mechanisms not completely understood by the user or voice agent, as eliciting explanation of a concept or repetition.Ítem Designing a Context-Aware Smart Notifications System for Precision Agriculture(2022-11-21) Brenes Carranza, José Antonio; Ferrández Pastor, Francisco Javier; López Herrera, Gustavo; Marín Raventós, GabrielaSmart farming solutions seek to help farmers in their daily activities. Their use has shown that it is beneficial for farmers to be aware of the distinct variables affecting the production. For this reason, having alerts and notifications in monitoring and control platforms is crucial. However, in some circumstances, farmers cannot attend to the messages delivered through traditional mechanisms, making it impossible for them to be informed at the right moment. In this paper, we present the design evaluation of an intelligent context-aware smart notifications system for precision agriculture. We consider using distinct notification mechanisms to improve the delivery of notifications to the farmers. We carry out an anticipated user experience evaluation to assess the system’s design and validate the use of the notification mechanisms in distinct scenarios. A total of 48 potential users from Spain and Costa Rica participated in the evaluation. The results show that our proposed system can be very helpful in supporting farmers to be aware of the state of crops. In addition, non-traditional notification mechanisms can potentially keep the farmers informed without affecting their daily activities. Costa Rican potential users value the system’s novelty more than Spanish users.Ítem Evaluando un enfoque de pruebas basadas en modelos en un contexto industrial. Una replicación(2019) Berdasco Romero, Ana Laura; Martínez Porras, Alexandra; Quesada López, Christian UlisesLas organizaciones de desarrollo de software se en- cuentran continuamente buscando técnicas para incrementar la efectividad y eficiencia de los procesos de pruebas. Las pruebas basadas en modelos (MBT) automatizan el diseño y la generación de los casos de prueba basadas en un modelo que representa el sis- tema bajo pruebas. MBT puede reducir el costo de las pruebas y mejorar la calidad de los sistemas. Sin embargo, la introducción del enfoque de MBT puede ser complejo para los equipos de desa- rrollo en la industria. Este artículo replica un estudio previo que evaluó el uso de MBT por parte de ingenieros de software en un proyecto en la industria. El objetivo de esta replicación es evaluar la factibilidad y aceptación del enfoque MBT desde la perspectiva de ingenieros de calidad, probando un sistema de software de la industria. Para esto realizamos un estudio de caso con cuatro in- genieros de calidad, quienes modelaron un módulo de un sistema, y generaron y ejecutaron un conjunto de casos de prueba usando una herramienta de MBT. Los participantes fueron capaces de usar MBT para modelar y probar el sistema y proporcionaron al- gunas perspectivas acerca de los desafíos y oportunidades del uso de este enfoque.Ítem Evaluating Virtual and Local Pepper Presence in the Role of Communicator Interacting with Another Human Presenter at a Vocational Fair of Computer Sciences(2022-06-16) Romero Pérez, Samantha; Smith Arias, Keyla; Corrales Cortés, Lizeth; Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; Vega Vega, Adrián; Mora Jiménez, ArielThis paper proposes the evaluation of the local and remote interaction of a Pepper Robot and a human presenter answering questions from high-school students at the Universidad de Costa Rica’s vocational fair. The interactions were presented in two: 1) a group interacted locally in the same room 2) a group interacted remotely via online meeting. Within a sample of 18 Costa Rican high-school students, this study assessed criteria such as: perceived enjoyment, intention to use, perceived sociability, trust, intelligence, animacy, anthropomorphism, and sympathy, utilizing testing tools such as Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Godspeed Questionnaire (GSQ). These instruments identified significant differences during the interaction in the perceived sociability and anthropomorphism in both scenarios. Suggesting different relevant information regarding the perception of the interaction with the robot and perception of the robot itself in both cases.Ítem Experiencias en la implementación de feedback en juegos serios con objetos activos en actividades educativas basadas en IT(2023-07) Sandí Delgado, Juan Carlos; Cruz Alvarado, Mainor AlbertoEste trabajo presenta la experiencia del desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación orientado a trabajar con juegos serios basados en IT con objetos activos y analizar el impacto de la integración del feedback sobre estos objetos, para potenciar los procesos cognitivos de apropiación del conocimiento a través de la formación de competencias tales como el razonamiento lógico-matemático y pensamiento computacional del estudiantado de primer ingreso de la Carrera de Informática Empresarial del Recinto de Guápiles, Universidad de Costa Rica. Los juegos serios mejoran la participación del estudiantado, motivan, y entretienen mientras aprenden. Además, la interacción tangible es una tecnología que facilita las actividades colaborativas, y combina la riqueza de las manipulaciones físicas de objetos del contexto con la multimodalidad propia del mundo digital. La combinación de juegos serios basado en IT puede ser de gran aporte, aún más si se incluyen objetos físicos activos con capacidad de actuación. La profundización en la investigación sobre estos tres ejes convergentes en este proyecto: juegos serios, interacción tangible y objetos activos con diferentes tipos de feedback, resulta un tema de interés tanto para el ámbito de las Ciencias de la Computación, como para su aplicación en la Educación. Por ello, se describen los avances y logros obtenidos hasta el momento.Ítem How Experience Impacts Practitioners' Perception of Causes and Effects of Technical Debt(2021-05-20) Freire, Sávio; Rios, Nicolli; Pérez, Boris; Castellanos, Camilo; Correal, Darío; Ramač, Robert; Mandić, Vladimir; Taušan, Nebojša; López Herrera, Gustavo; Pacheco Hernández, Alexia; Falessi, Davide; Mendonça, Manoel; Izurieta, Clemente; Seaman, Carolyn; Spínola, RodrigoContext: The technical debt (TD) metaphor helps to conceptualize the pending issues and trade-offs made during software development. Knowing TD causes can support in defining preventive actions and having information about effects aids in the prioritization of TD payment. Goal: To investigate the impact of the experience level on how practitioners perceive the most likely causes that lead to TD and the effects of TD that have the highest impacts on software projects. Method: We approach this topic by surveying 227 practitioners. Results: While experienced software developers focus on human factors as TD causes and external quality attributes as TD effects, low experienced developers seem to concentrate on technical issues as causes and internal quality issues and increased project effort as effects. Missing any of these types of causes could lead a team to miss the identification of important TD, or miss opportunities to preempt TD. On the other hand, missing important effects could hamper effective planning or erode the effectiveness of decisions about prioritizing TD items. Conclusion: Having software development teams composed of practitioners with a homogeneous experience level can erode the team's ability to effectively manage TD.Ítem Identification and functional annotation of potential biomarkers associated with thalassemia using machine learning-based knowledge discovery(2024) Mora Jiménez, Luis Diego; Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; Quesada Quirós, Luis; Guevara Coto, José AndrésThalassemia, a hereditary blood disorder, causes abnormal hemoglobin production—alpha- and beta-thalassemia are its variants. This leads to decreased hemoglobin levels and accounted for 16,800 deaths in 2015, affecting 1.5% of the global population. Diagnosis involves blood tests and genetic screening, but many severe cases go undiagnosed due to limited registries and screening, resulting in high mortality. Our work suggests using gene expression profiling and machine learning to identify biomarkers for thalassemia. Using an Isolation Forest algorithm, we found 72 anomalous genes. Validation showed significant terms like cytoplasmic translation and apoptosis, indicating potential pathways for thalassemia. We also found genes related to iron homeostasis, linking oxidative stress and apoptosis to thalassemia. Comparing with another study, we found common processes. Five genes identified in AmiGO are up-regulated in thalassemia and could be biomarkers due to their abnormal expression and biological role. This highlights the potential of machine learning in refining diagnosis and understanding molecular pathways for better patient management, calling for further research.Ítem Lineamientos para crear herramientas que permitan a los niños de preescolar programar robots(2021) Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia DavianaAl diseñar una aplicación orientada a niños, se enfrenta un importante reto, ya que los niños son una población con habilidades, preferencias y necesidades diferentes al “usuario medio”, y estas van cambiando conforme el niño crece. A este hecho hay que sumarle que, en esta etapa de la vida, las diferencias de género en la relación, uso y consumo de las nuevas tecnologías son mayores que nunca [1].Por tanto, debemos tener en cuenta que los niños representan un tipo de audiencia heterogénea, para los que no existe una receta única de diseño. De este modo, el diseño de aplicaciones a este tipo de audiencia requiere de la adopción y la adaptación metodológica necesaria para asegurar su usabilidad [1].En uno de esos estudios se muestran algunas diferencias entre niños y adultos al usar sitios web, las cuales dan pistas para saber cómo diseñar juegos para niños [2]:•Los sonidos y las animaciones son apreciados de forma positiva por los niños. Factores emocionales como la diversión juegan un papel crucial en el diseño de sitios web usables para niños, motivándolos en la interacción y en la consecución de objetivos.•Los niños suelen recorrer la pantalla con el ratón. Lo hacen para ver qué zonas están dispo-nibles para hacer clic o simplemente para disfrutar de los efectos de sonido que reproducen los diferentes elementos de la interfaz al pasar el ratón por ellos.•Las metáforas funcionan. El objetivo del uso de metáforas en el diseño es hacer familiar y comprensible lo desconocido. Además, el uso de metáforas visuales (ya sean geográficas o de otro tipo) es una acertada decisión de diseño para niños, ya que estos presentan menos conocimiento, habilidad y capacidad para la lectura.•Los niños no suelen usar la barra de desplazamiento. Este hecho, que en un principio tam-bién se daba en usuarios adultos, es posible que cambie con el tiempo (por los mouses con rueda de scroll), aunque por el momento sugiere que en un diseño orientado a niños fun-cionarán mejor las páginas cortas.•Los niños tienden a leer las instrucciones de uso. Aun así, cualquier sección de ayuda debe-ría ser redactada de la forma más sintética posible, sin palabras complicadas ni tecnicismos.Nielsen concluye en su estudio que los niños quieren buenas gráficas, facilidad de navegación, animación, interacción, narrativa amigable y entretenimiento. Además, si se quiere diseñar aplica-ciones para aprendizaje, estas deben ser educativas y divertidas. Por otro lado, la documentación o la ayuda debe ser ilustrada (fotos o dibujos) y escrita especialmente para la audiencia meta.El objetivo de este trabajo, el cual es uno de los resultados de mi investigación doctoral [11], es describir los lineamientos para la creación de dos herramientas móviles de asistencia a la programa-ción que permiten a los niños en la primera infancia desarrollar programas y ejecutarlos utilizando robots. Las herramientas se denominan TITIBOTS y TITIBOTS Colab. La segunda herramienta incorpora la colaboración. Las herramientas tienen interfaces basadas en iconos e integran progra-mación visual, robótica y dispositivos móviles en una sola herramienta.Ítem Scheduling of events through notifications in mobile devices(2019-08) Zaldívar Coto, Fernando; López Herrera, Gustavo; Quesada Quirós, Luis; Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia DavianaIt is very common to interact with notifications every day with our mobile devices. Notifications have advantages and disadvantages. They bring information for the user, but they are also interruptions. In this study, the authors provide a solution for scheduling events through notifications. They created an application using the Google Calendar platform and the Swift programming language to respond to events through notifications. Then, the participants evaluated the application through the usability scale of the system (SUS), and the results were positive. The authors received excellent comments and feedback from the participants in the evaluation.Ítem Social network analysis for automatic ranking of political stakeholders: A case study(2022-10) Vargas Barrantes, Francis Adrián; Marín Raventós, Gabriela; López Herrera, Gustavo; Casasola Murillo, EdgarThis article exposes the way in which the creation of a new method for calculating the popularity of stake holders in social networks can support political data analysis experts. The definition of a new formula for estimating popularity allowed us to have a new method that, together with other previously existing ones, allows us to build a multidimensional interpretation of reality. The construction of a method that would seem like a computational scientific curiosity has significant impacts for experts who carry out political analysis. The new ranking algorithm called BOPRank made it possible to identify political actors in a different way than known algorithms. While a wellknown algorithm showed popularity as a result of the work of campaign teams on social networks, the new algorithm reflected popularity obtained as a result of the reaction of the public on social networks.