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Ítem A Comparison between a Relational Database and a Graph Database in the context of a Personalized Cancer Treatment Application(2016) Martínez Porras, Alexandra; Mora Rodríguez, Rodrigo Antonio; Alvarado González, Daniel; López Herrera, Gustavo; Quirós Barrantes, SteveThis paper presents a performance comparison between a relational database (implemented in MySQL) and a graph database (implemented in Neo4j). Unlike traditional benchmarks, this comparison is made in the context of a real health application which was developed in Costa Rica. The comparison encompassed twelve queries and three data size configurations.The results of the comparison indicate that MySQL performs better than Neo4j in most cases, but has a poor performance when data size is large and the queries have multiple join operations.Ítem A genetic algorithm based framework for software effort prediction(2017) Murillo Morera, Juan; Quesada López, Christian Ulises; Castro Herrera, Carlos; Jenkins Coronas, MarceloBackground: Several prediction models have been proposed in the literature using different techniques obtaining different results in different contexts. The need for accurate effort predictions for projects is one of the most critical and complex issues in the software industry. The automated selection and the combination of techniques in alternative ways could improve the overall accuracy of the prediction models. Objectives: In this study, we validate an automated genetic framework, and then conduct a sensitivity analysis across different genetic configurations. Following is the comparison of the framework with a baseline random guessing and an exhaustive framework. Lastly, we investigate the performance results of the best learning schemes. Methods: In total, six hundred learning schemes that include the combination of eight data preprocessors, five attribute selectors and fifteen modeling techniques represent our search space. The genetic framework, through the elitism technique, selects the best learning schemes automatically. The best learning scheme in this context means the combination of data preprocessing + attribute selection + learning algorithm with the highest coefficient correlation possible. The selected learning schemes are applied to eight datasets extracted from the ISBSG R12 Dataset. Results: The genetic framework performs as good as an exhaustive framework. The analysis of the standardized accuracy (SA) measure revealed that all best learning schemes selected by the genetic framework outperforms the baseline random guessing by 45–80%. The sensitivity analysis confirms the stability between different genetic configurations. Conclusions: The genetic framework is stable, performs better than a random guessing approach, and is as good as an exhaustive framework. Our results confirm previous ones in the field, simple regression techniques with transformations could perform as well as nonlinear techniques, and ensembles of learning machines techniques such as SMO, M5P or M5R could optimize effort predictions.Ítem A mobile application that allows children in the early childhood to program robots(2016) Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; López Herrera, Gustavo; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoChildren born in the Information Age are digital natives; this characteristic should be exploited to improve the learning process through the use of technology. This paper addresses the design, construction, and evaluation process of TITIBOTS, a programming assistance tool for mobile devices that allows children in the early childhood to create programs and execute them using robots. We present the results of using TITIBOTS in different scenarios with children between 4 and 6 years old. The insight obtained in the development and evaluation of the tool could be useful when creating applications for children in the early childhood. The results were promising; children liked the application and were willing to continue using it to program robots to solve specific tasks, developing the skills of the 21st century.Ítem A user interaction bug analyzer based on image processing(2016-08) Méndez Porras, Abel; Alfaro Velásco, Jorge; Jenkins Coronas, Marcelo; Martínez Porras, AlexandraMobile applications support a set of user-interaction features that are independent of the application logic. Rotating the device, scrolling, or zooming are examples of such features. Some bugs in mobile applications can be attributed to user-interaction features. Objective: This paper proposes and evaluates a bug analyzer based on userinteraction features that uses digital image processing to find bugs. Method: Our bug analyzer detects bugs by comparing the similarity between images taken before and after a user-interaction. SURF, an interest point detector and descriptor, is used to compare the images. To evaluate the bug analyzer, we conducted a case study with 15 randomly selected mobile applications. First, we identified user-interaction bugs by manually testing the applications. Images were captured before and after applying each user-interaction feature. Then, image pairs were processed with SURF to obtain interest points, from which a similarity percentage was computed, to finally decide whether there was a bug. Results: We performed a total of 49 user-interaction feature tests. When manually testing the applications, 17 bugs were found, whereas when using image processing, 15 bugs were detected. Conclusions: 8 out of 15 mobile applications tested had bugs associated to user-interaction features. Our bug analyzer based on image processing was able to detect 88% (15 out of 17) of the user-interaction bugs found with manual testing.Ítem A Virtual Repository of Learning Objects to Support Literacy of SEN Children(2015-01) Guerrero Blanco, Luis Alberto; Jadán Guerrero, JanioLiteracy development is an essential process for special education needs children. Otherwise, they will have additional difficulties in their daily life activities and hence their social inclusion. It is a big challenge for parents and teachers, but it is easier if the process begins since childhood. In this paper, we present Tic@ula, a virtual repository for creating, centralizing, and sharing learning objects based on the IEEE learning object metadata standard. The framework aims to enhance the adaptation of the resources for literacy to the Costa Rican reality and extend its application to children with moderate intellectual disability. The educational resources are based on the literacy method proposed by Spanish authors in their book Down Syndrome: Reading and Writing. The method and the resources were evaluated in a case study. The preliminary results showed that the method cannot only be applied in local context but also assists teachers and parents in the design and use of literacy resources for special education.Ítem Acceptance of Serious Games to Develop Digital Competencies in Higher Education(2022) Sandí Delgado, Juan Carlos; Sanz, Cecilia Verónica; Lovos, Edith NoemiSerious games are the focus of the current research agenda. They show promise for allowing students to learn and practice skills. In fewer studies, they are used for the development of academic competencies. Therefore, it is of interest to deepen the research on the benefits of serious games in academic education and training. This article presents a study using serious games aimed at higher education academics’ training for the development of digital competencies. The study was carried out with 56 academics, using the serious game called AstroCódigo. The study analyzed the level of acceptance of serious games using the TAM model and what factors the academics believe affect this acceptance. It is important to know possible barriers that affect the development of actions oriented to the formation of academic competencies through serious games, which can also affect the adoption of games as a resource for teaching situations. None of prior studies have focused on analyzing the technological acceptance of serious games used for the development of academic competencies. The results of this research indicate that participants believe that using serious games can be beneficial to drive digital competencies. However, there are aspects such as the highest academic qualification, work experience, professional development, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and fear of change associated with age rank which can play a negative role in the use and acceptance of digital technologies by academics, particularly serious games. These results may be a clue to the barriers linked to the fact that most of the participants in this study do not use serious games in their classes or for their digital skills training. Additionally, the possibility to try and fail and the increased level of challenges proposed in the serious games, related to enjoyment, were valued by academics, during the sessions with AstroCódigo. These findings open the door to organize strategies for academic training in digital competencies within higher education institutions. They can also impact the design decisions of new serious games.Ítem Alternative and augmentative communication for people with disabilities and language problems: an eye gaze tracking approach(2016) Arias Soto, Emmanuel; López Herrera, Gustavo; Quesada Quirós, Luis; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoAlternative and augmentative communications encapsulates the use of technology to provide communication means for people with some sort of disability. In this paper, we present a prototype that provides both pictographic and alphabetic options to allow communication. Our system was originally designed for people that suffer physical disabilities and are not able to move their body. To allow interaction we provide an eye gazed based interaction. Our system was evaluated with an experienced test subject, because the system requires training to be used. However, evaluations results demonstrated that a skilled user requires less than two seconds (average) to select a pictogram or letter (i.e., in less than a minute, a 30 characters long phrase or up to two semantically correct sentences using pictograms can be produced).Ítem An empirical evaluation of NASA-MDP data sets using a genetic defect-proneness prediction framework(2016-11-09) Murillo Morera, Juan; Quesada López, Christian Ulises; Castro Herrera, Carlos; Jenkins Coronas, MarceloIn software engineering, software quality is an important research area. Automated generation of learning schemes plays an important role and represents an efficient way to detect defects in software projects, thus avoiding high costs and long delivery times. This study carries out an empirical evaluation to validate two versions with different levels of noise of NASAMDP data sets. The main objective of this paper is to determine the stability of our framework. In all, 864 learning schemes were studied (8 data preprocessors x 6 attribute selectors x 18 learning algorithms). In line with statistical tests, our framework reported stable results between the analyzed versions. Results reported that evaluation and prediction phases were similar. Furthermore, the performance of the phases of evaluation and prediction between versions of data sets were stable. This means that the differences between versions did not affect the performance of our frameworkÍtem Análisis de texto para la identificación automática de marcadores lingüísticos definicionales en recetas de gastronomía de Costa Rica(2018) Corrales Montero, Sharon; Miranda Hernández, Karen; Casasola Murillo, Edgar; Leoni de León, Jorge Antonio; Hernández Delgado, MarioEl análisis de contextos definicionales permite clasificar y sistematizar las informaciones definicionales pertenecientes a un dominio específico y, posteriormente, identificar estándares de las formas en que se definen las palabras y términos en tal dominio. En este artículo,se describe el proceso realizado para automatizar el análisis de contextos definicionales en el dominio gastronómico de Costa Rica. La labor se realizó mediante el uso de herramientas computacionales para el procesamiento de lenguaje natural. La automatización permite el análisis sobre grandes volúmenes de datos y obtener resultados en menos tiempo del requerido por el análisis manual. Ahora bien, el procedimiento consta de dos módulos,uno de clasificación de documentos en textos con recetas o sin ellas y un segundo módulo de identificación de los ingredientes de cocina con base en patrones lingüísticos formales.Ítem Aud-SWIPE-P: A parallelization of the Aud-SWIPE pitch estimation algorithm using multiple processes and threads(Acta Press. Artificial Intelligence and Applications / 794: Modelling, Identification and Control / 795: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks / 796: Software Engineering / 792: Web-based Education (AIA 2013), 2013-02-11) Camacho Lozano, Arturo; Calderón Ramírez, Saúl; Alvarado Méndez, GabrielIn this work we implement a parallel version of the pitch estimation algorithm Aud-SWIPE. The new implementation, Aud-SWIPE-P produces a remarkable acceleration, making it usable in applications where it was not efficient before because of its high computational cost. We parallelized the algorithm using multiple threads and processes to speed up different steps of the algorithm, and take advantage of different architectures. The goal for Aud-SWIPE- P’s performance was to achieve an execution time below the signal duration, opening the possibility to create a real-time software using Aud-SWIPE as pitch estimation algorithm. The implementation was evaluated running the algorithm in different real-world scenarios. The acceleration achieved was around 4.4, compared with the sequential version of the algorithm. In sound files with a sampling frequency of 10 kH.Ítem Automatic recognition of accessible pedestrian signals(2018) Ruiz Blais, Sebastián; Camacho Lozano, Arturo; Fonseca Solís, Juan ManuelAccessible pedestrian signals (APS) enhance accessibility in streets around the world. Recent attempts to extend the use of APS to people with visual and audible impairments have emerged from the area of audio signal processing. Even though few authors have studied the detection of APS by sound, comprehensive literature in Biology has been published to detect other simple sounds like birds and frogs calls. Since these calls exhibit the same periodic and modulated nature as APS, many of these approaches can be adapted for this purpose. We present an algorithm that follows this approach. The algorithm was evaluated using a collection of 79 recordings gathered from streets in San Jose, Costa Rica, where an APS system will be implemented. Three types of sounds were available: low-pitch chirps, high-pitch chirps and cuckoo-like sounds. The results showed 91% precision, 80% recall, 83% F-measure, and 90% specificity.Ítem Automatic recognition of the American sign language fingerspelling alphabet to assist people living with speech or hearing impairments(2017-03-22) Quesada Quirós, Luis; López Herrera, Gustavo; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoSign languages are natural languages used mostly by deaf and hard of hearing people. Different development opportunities for people with these disabilities are limited because of communication problems. The advances in technology to recognize signs and gestures will make computer supported interpretation of sign languages possible. There are more than 137 different sign languages around the world; therefore, a system that interprets them could be beneficial to all, especially to the Deaf Community. This paper presents a system based on hand tracking devices (Leap Motion and Intel RealSense), used for signs recognition. The system uses a Support Vector Machine for sign classification. Different evaluations of the system were performed with over 50 individuals; and remarkable recognition accuracy was achieved with selected signs (100% accuracy was achieved recognizing some signs). Furthermore, an exploration on the Leap Motion and the Intel RealSense potential as a hand tracking devices for sign language recognition using the American Sign Language fingerspelling alphabet was performed.Ítem Building a Personalized Cancer Treatment System(2016) Martínez Porras, Alexandra; López Herrera, Gustavo; Bolaños Araya, Constantino; Alvarado González, Daniel; Solano Portuguez, Andrés; López Quirós, Mariana; Báez Astúa, Andrés; Quirós Barrantes, Steve; Mora Rodríguez, Rodrigo AntonioThis paper reports the process by which a personalized cancer treatment system was built, following a user-centered approach. We give some background on personalized cancer treatment, the particular tumor chemosensitivity assay supported by the system, as well as some quality and legal issues related to such health systems. We describe how Contextual Design was applied when building the system. Contextual design is a user-centered design technique involving seven steps. We also provide some details about the system implementation. Finally, we explain how the Think-Aloud protocol and Heuristic Evaluation methods were used to evaluate the system and report its results. A qualitative assessment from the users perspective is also provided. Results from the heuristic evaluation indicate that only one of ten heuristics was missing from the system, while five were partially covered and four were fully covered.Ítem Constructing an architecture-based cybersecurity solution for a system(2023-01-19) Mora Castro, Alejandro; González Herrera, Andrés; Villalón Fonseca, RicardoCybersecurity can be effectively managed with an architecture-based approach, composed with three viewpoints, namely system, security and process. Using models for describing a system and its security objectives enables a systemic and exhaustive risk management process. The architecture approach produces an integral set of security policies and controls that can be fully maintained during the entire system life-cycle. Furthermore, architecture models support automation and high scalability, thus providing an innovative way for constructing and maintaining the cybersecurity for very large systems or even for system of systems. This work describes details, technical aspects, and examples for the risk management process of the architecture, including the establishment of the system representation, the security goals, going through risk identification and analysis, up to the policies and control definition. Some highlighting points of the methodology follow. • System representation is simple because it focuses only on aspects relevant to security purposes. • Security objectives behave as an end-to-end guidance of the security, for the whole system and also during its life-cycle. • Risk management can be done with existing methods and standards, but additionally supported with the comprehensive capability provided by the system representation and the security objectives.Ítem COSMIC Base Functional Components in Functional Size Based Effort Estimation Models(2016-11-09) Quesada López, Christian Ulises; Murillo Morera, Juan; Castro Herrera, Carlos; Jenkins Coronas, MarceloSoftware effort estimation models has been an area of considerable research for many years and it is still a challenge for software engineering. Although Functional Size Measurement (FSM) methods have become widely used, effort estimation based on the functional size still needs further research. Unbiased and comprehensive comparison between prediction models is needed. Some studies suggest that the relationship between effort and the base functional components of a FSM method would improve estimation models. This paper evaluates the structure of COSMIC FFP base functional components and its applicability in functional size based effort estimation models. Our study reports a benchmarking experiment evaluating 600 learning schemes for 12 ISBSG R12 sub datasets in business application projects which were sized by the COSMIC FSM method. In total, 7,200 runs were conducted (Learning schemes X Datasets) and the best learning schemes were reported by dataset. Lessons learned after conducting the experiment are discussed.Ítem Creating a protocol for collaborative mobile applications for kids between 4 and 6 years old(2015) Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; García, Franklin; Guerrero Blanco, Luis AlbertoOne of the basic requirements in education is to prepare students for participation in an information society in which knowledge will be the most important resource for development. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning is one of the most promising approaches to enhance the learning process with the help of information and communication technology. At the same time, advances in technology and mobile devices in the last decade have increased the number of educational institutions adopting mobile tools in the learning process. This paper describes the design and implementation of a protocol for a collaborative mobile application. TITIBOTS Colab is a programming environment for kids between 4 and 6 years old. During the implementation of TITIBOTS Colab, while creating a working version of the protocol, our team found that all messages defined in the design worked properly in order to provide the communication rules for the client and server applications.Ítem Creating TUIs Using RFID Sensors—A Case Study Based on the Literacy Process of Children with Down Syndrome(2015) Jadán Guerrero, Janio; Guerrero Blanco, Luis Alberto; López Herrera, Gustavo; Cáliz Ramos, Doris; Bravo Rodríguez, JoséTeaching children with intellectual disabilities is a big challenge for most parents and educators. Special education teachers use learning strategies to develop and enhance motivation for complex learning tasks. Literacy acquisition is an essential and life-long skill for a child with intellectual disabilities. In this context, technology can support specific strategies that will help children learn to read. This paper introduces a Tangible User Interface (TUI) system based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to support literacy for children with Down syndrome. Our proposed system focuses on the integration of RFID tags in 3D printed objects and low cost toys. The paper describes the experience of using some materials covering the tags and the different problems related to the material and distance of radio wave propagation. The results of a preliminary evaluation in a special education institution showed that the system helps to improve the interaction between teachers and children. The use of a TUI seems to give a physical sensory experience to develop literacy skills in children with Down syndrome.Ítem Desarrollo de una experiencia educativa con juguetes activos en una mesa de interacción tangible(2021-12-23) Cruz Alvarado, Mainor Alberto; Sanz, Cecilia Verónica; Baldassarri, SandraEn este trabajo se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de indagar las posibilidades de los objetos activos (con capacidad de actuación y feedback al interactuar con información digital) en actividades educativas basadas en Interacción Tangible (IT). Como parte del recorrido se elaboró un análisis de antecedentes, y se evidenció el escaso desarrollo de experiencias de IT con objetos activos en Latinoamérica. A partir de los hallazgos de la investigación teórica se abordó el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de un juego serio con IT sobre una tabletop con juguetes activos. Los resultados permiten conocer que estudiantes y docentes valoran positivamente el uso de este tipo de juguetes, analizando cómo se perciben los diferentes tipos de feedback diseñados.Ítem Designing diagnosis instrument to determine e-Commerce readiness for micro and small enterprises in rural areas(2022-05) Barquero Salazar, Michael; Marín Raventós, Gabriela; López Herrera, GustavoBefore implementing electronic commerce, micro-businesses must conduct a diagnostic study to determine its feasibility. They must decide whether they have the technological resources required and determine if potential customers are also ready and willing to use this new distribution channel. To ease this diagnosis, two instruments are designed and evaluated. One for diagnosing the electronic commerce readiness of micro and small companies and the other to assess the potential consumer's ecommerce readiness. An iterative process was used for the design and evaluation of these diagnostic instruments. Academic experts with extensive experience in instrument design conducted the first evaluation; the second iteration was evaluated in a pilot field study involving six businesses and ten consumers from rural regions. Finally, the last evaluation was carried out through a case study in the Río Cuarto de Alajuela canton, in which 29 companies and 261 consumers from a specific region participated. In this article, evaluations made to the instruments in each of the different iterations are presented, while in the original article, the emphasis was given to the results of the final case study. It is important to note that the recommendations and opportunities for improvement obtained from the respective evaluations were applied in each of the iterations. Robust and efficient diagnostic instruments are the main product of this study.Ítem Evaluating the Nao Robot in the Role of Personal Assistant: The Effect of Gender in Robot Performance Evaluation(2019-11-20) Vega Vega, Adrián; Ramírez Benavides, Kryscia Daviana; Guerrero Blanco, Luis Alberto; López Herrera, GustavoBy using techniques such as the Wizard of Oz (WoZ) and video capture, this paper evaluated the performance of the Nao Robot in the role of a personal assistant, which was valuated alongside the impact of the assigned gender (male/female) in the perceived performance of the robot assistant. Within a sample size of 39 computer sciences students, this study assessed criteria such as: perceived enjoyment, intention to use, perceived sociability, trust, intelligence, animacy, anthropomorphism, and sympathy, utilizing testing tools such as Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Godspeed Questionnaire (GSQ). These methods identified a significant effect of the gender assigned to the robot in variables such as intelligence and sympathy.
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