Volumen 38, Número 2
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Ítem Consideraciones en torno a los métodos de enseñanza de lenguas extrajeras y a las teorías de aprendizaje(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Marangon, GiorgiaThis article focuses on the historical development of methods of teaching foreign languages, from Latin as the language of scholars to current modern languages. Considered utopian and unattainable, the idea of the perfect method was left behind as there is no methodological perfection, but rather a know-how and constant adaptation of methods, theories, approaches and styles of teaching/ learning. This article highlights the different methods of foreign language teaching and learning theories with the purpose of demonstrating to the reader the pros and cons, as well as their historical impact.Ítem El latín vulgar y de Doctrina Apostolorum(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Campos Vargas, HenryDe Doctrina Apostolorum is an ancient latin translation of a jewish text written in greek. Here we offer a translation in spanish and an analysis of the structure and language of the text.Ítem El realce: una propuesta para su conceptualización e identificación(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Vergara Heidke, AdriánThe elements highlighted in the texts have been approached from different theoretical perspectives within linguistics. In this article, after a critical review of different concepts that attempt to apprehend this phenomenon, we propose a new way to conceptualize and analyze (identify) the emphasis (realce). This is done from a perspective that considers: first, issuers are not conscious of all the linguistic and semiotic elements enunciated, secondly, not all linguistic and semiotic resource is associated with an individual(s) effect(s), and, thirdly, textual linguistic concepts should be applicable in multimodal texts and not exclusively on the verbal dimension. Finally, it emphasizes the need for further study to better delineate enhancement concept and make it more practical.Ítem El recolector de colillas de cigarrillo en la historia de la literatura, la prensa y la cultura visual(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Cuvardic García, DordeAmong the various people making their living off of the street, the junkman has monopolized the attention of a number of researchers. Among the various types of junkmen is the collector of cigarette butts. Cultural representations of this social type have not as yet been analyzed. The aim of this article is to reclaim this figure from oblivion. He is represented in a multitude of literary, journalistic and visual representations of the 19th and 20th centuries. Subject to aestheticization, he appears in Spanish costumbrism (Estébanez Calderón), French boulevard press and Spanish lithography (Daumier), sculpture, Spanish novels of the twentieth century (Cela) and film. In the latter case, this article has tracked the presence of the cigarette butt collector in two films of Charlie Chaplin (The Guy, Lights of the City), in the documentary Berlin: Symphony of a Great City, Walter Ruttmann, and the film M, a city looks for a murderer, by Fritz Lang.Ítem El sistema de CAUSACIÓN en las cláusulas mentales y relacionales del bribri según la gramática sistémico-funcional(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Cruz Volio, María GabrielaThis article analyses the AGENCY system that takes place in mental and relational clauses of Bribri (Coroma’s variation) according to Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar (2004). The main objective is to describe the codification of mental and relational processes and their associated participants through the analysis of five Bribri texts. Since processes and participants are part of the TRANSITIVITY system (which includes the TYPE OF PROCESS and AGENCY subsystems), the present study also describes this system.Ítem Las marcas lingüísticas de obligación en artículos de investigación en tres disciplinas(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Briceño Velazco, YoselyResearch articles evidence a variety of linguistic and discourse phenomena such as deontic modality which has to do with ‘must be’. As a theoretical background, proposals by Thompson (1996), who studies modulation, as well as Halliday’s (1994) have been used. Our purpose was to analyze the ‘must be’ in education, botany and engineering with a special focus on article sections. The main units of analysis were the research article and its sections and the corpus was comprised of 249.098 words. Findings show variation in terms of a percentage of 69.12 linguistic marks of obligation found in education, 26.17% in engineering and 4.69 in botany. In education, such marks tend to appear in the Introduction (38.25%) and in Results (17.11%). In botany they are found mostly in the Introduction (2.01%) and in Conclusions (1.34%). In engineering, they appear in the Methods section (9.39%) and also in the Introduction (6.71%). These findings suggest that the function of obligation tends to be determined both by the specific discipline and the section of the article in which it appears.Ítem "Los indios lo que hablan es un dialecto" representaciones de los hispanos con respecto a los malecus y su lengua vernácula(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Sánchez Avendaño, CarlosThis article analyzes the results of a survey applied to the population of Hispanic culture from Guatuso, Costa Rica, with the intent of studying some of their social representations about the malecu indigenous people and their vernacular language. It was found that the attitudes toward the malecus and their language are quite positive, particularly when it comes to the recognition of the identity and “aesthetic” values of the malecu language, and in spite of belonging in an ideological system in which certain cultures and languages are thought to be superior and in which the indigenous languages of the Americas are considered inferior.Ítem Máscaras de una identidad oculta. Una lectura de "Señales captadas en el corazón de una fiesta" de Rodrigo Fresán(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Caamaño Morúa, VirginiaThis study focuses on how glocalization is manifested in the personal history of the story ́s protagonist: a man living in an end of the century Latin American society, who, by narrating his experiences, construes and shows certain aspects of his own biography. The staging of this is accompanied by the constant presence of elements representative of pop culture, which is inspired by the most immediate aspects of the consumerist society, those produced by technology and advertising. However, in his intimacy, while reflecting on his experiences and feelings, as well as confronting them with his imaginary globalising constructions, the protagonist understands his unavoidable marginality, the difference that makes him unable to find a sense of belonging.Ítem Nocturnos de mar inacabado o de la incompletud en el discurso de eros(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Herrera Ávila, TatianaThis essay explores how in Nocturnos de mar inacabado, Jorge Chen’s erotic poetry, Language appears as the navel where the text is itself tied. This is, in terms of the Lacanian postulates, where language is constituted as to be incomplete as desire itself, and also in light of what Barthes stipulates in Fragments a Lover’s Discourse. Then, in Chen's poems the dual language/desire, or what is the same, poiesis/eros, becomes crucial.Ítem Poéticas de la imposibilidad: Samuel Beckett y Bram van Velde(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Salas Guerra, María CeciliaThe experience of melancholy has been thoroughly explored in literature, art, anthropology, and iconology, thanks to which we can speak of images of melancholy in the West. But through other ways of thinking and creation, it is also possible to rediscover the brilliant forms of what we call the image of melancholy, literary and pictorial, which proclaims the presence of the the unspoken and the futility of self in Modernity. It brings to mind the poetics of the impossible that are revealed in Samuel Beckett's dialogue with the painting of Bram van Velde.Ítem Reseñas(2014-01-21 00:00:00) Cuvardic García, Dorde; Caamaño Morúa, Virginia; Víquez Jiménez, Alí; Chen Sham, JorgeÍtem Un poema tirado al mar: contactos poéticos entre Carlos Drummond de Andrade y José Agustín Goytisolo(2014-01-21 00:00:00) dos Santos, MargarethThis paper proposes a discussion on writing under censorship and how two poets, geographically distant and with two different languages, can be linked by the desire to overcome the censorship and make their word cross boundaries. In the course of this difficult task, poets José Agustín Goytisolo and Carlos Drummond de Andrade, from the Iberian Peninsula and Brazil, communicate their desire to extinct the silence that stifles their voice and represses the fluent expression of the poetic verb. From the analysis of two poems: “Notícias de Espanha”, of Drummond, and “Noticias a Carlos Drummond de Andrade”, of Goytisolo, we intend to indicate how the pain of the wall of silence that block off the Spanish houses is manifested in both, centered the joint between the desire for telling and the impossibility of knowing, which is expressed in these verses, we’ll discuss how the poetic contact between Drummond and Goytisolo reveals moments of turning points in Brazilian and Spanish histories.