Cuadernos de Antopología 14(1)
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Ítem "Ahora que somos otros": notas en torno a la "otredad optada" y al rock juvenil costarricense(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Zúñiga Núñez, MarioThis paper analyzes in depth the subject of the “otherness” in the heart of western society. Initially it explores, from a theoretical point of view, the vision that the occidental society is unique and homogeneous, as well as the objections by groups of “others” (e.g. working class, women, and youth) to this way of understanding society. Then, it explores juvenile otherness, through which the esthetic dissidences conformed by youth counter and sub culture has proposed ideas that are conflictive with the adult and homogeneous perspective. Lastly we give special emphasis on the esthetic manifestations of Costa Rican youth rock bands.Ítem Al compás de los percherones(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Otárola Durán, FloryThe information consigned in the present article is taken from an investigation, for obtaining a degree of social anthropology, carried out in the year 2002, and for which the reflection and interpretation axis were the occidental concept of death, the imaginary on death, and the ritualization of death in the Catholic community of San Jose, Costa Rica during the twentieth century. The purpose of the article is to maintain in writing the history of Funeraria Polini from the perspective of its current owner, in virtue that the strategies developed through the Twentieth Century by this Mortuary marked big changes in the ritualization of death within the costarican urban catholic tradition, as it was confirmed through the investigation The data was gathered through an extensive interview given to Mr. Arturo Loría, owner of the Mortuary, as well as to some church goers and catholic priests; the opinion of two of them are consigned in the article. Nevertheless, not included in the article is the opinion of some of the company’s potential clients.Ítem De Jamaica Town al Barrio Roosevelt: el tránsito de los topónimos criollos limonenses(2004) Chang Vargas, Gisellea investigación toponímica es un instrumento para conocer el patrimonio étnico-lingüís-tico de un pueblo y confirmar la diversidad cultural. El estudio de los nombres geográficos(origen, significado y cambios), nos permite identificar la influencia de diversas capas de po-blación asentadas en un territorio, las relaciones de poder y la concepción de la naturaleza.En este trabajo se analizan -desde la perspectiva etnolingüística- los topónimos criollos, deorigen inglés, de la provincia de Limón. Éstos representan una minoría respecto a los topó-nimos en otras lenguas y, en su mayoría están asociados a la flora, la fauna y otros elemen-tos del ambiente. La sustitución de topónimos ha sido común en la región y coexiste la no-menclatura oficial con la onomástica popular que identifica un nombre con un puebloÍtem El abogado inocente. Reflexiones en torno a la Antropología y sus relaciones con el Derecho, a partir de una experiencia de campo con los ngäbes de Costa Rica(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Argilés Marín, José ManuelBased in the author’s fieldwork experience, carried out in the Ngäbe indigenous territories in Costa Rica, the article proposes an epistemological reflection about anthropological activity and its political consequences, as well as an exploration of some of the links between Law and Anthropology.Ítem El abogado inocente. Reflexiones en torno a la Antropología y sus relaciones con el derecho, a partir de una experiencia de campo con los ngäbes de Costa Rica(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Argilés Marín, José ManuelBased in the author’s fieldwork experience, carried out in the Ngäbe indigenous territories in Costa Rica, the article proposes an epistemological reflection about anthropological activity and its political consequences, as well as an exploration of some of the links between Law and Anthropology.Ítem Evidencias paleoindio / arcaicas y su distribución espacial en finca Guardiria, Turrialba(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Valerio L., WilsonRecientemente, se realizó un estudio evaluativo en Finca Guardiria y, posteriormente, ex- cavaciones restringidas en áreas seleccionadas, a raíz del proyecto de construcción de una zona industrial en dicho terreno. Con el trabajo de investigación arqueológica se pretendió conocer el estado actual del depósito cultural, su carácter estratigráfico-temporal (componentes) y espacio-dimensional (extensión, áreas de actividad, núcleos de concentración) y su relación con el impacto a sufrir por la construcción del complejo industrial. Tales investigaciones muestran que Finca Guardiria, la cual cuenta con más de 57 hectáreas, mantiene la presencia de materiales arqueológicos (lítica, cerámica) en una densidad variable en 6 áreas arqueológicas definidas. Tales materiales culturales representan las ac- tividades cotidianas de diversos grupos humanos a lo largo de 11.000 años, proponiéndose la existencia de un importante componente paleoarcaico y arcaico entre 9000 y 4000 años a.p. de cazadores-recolectores que da continuidad a las poblaciones paleoindias anteriores.Ítem Investigación cualitativa y poder(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Pardo Angulo, Marta EugeniaThe academic practice of scientific research is a social production whose descent leads to the genesis of the capitalist social formation. Structural needs of capitalist accumulation and industrial development needed for their own development, the establishment of control strategies of nature and society, facilitating the processes of extraction and concentration of the goodwill generated by the workers. The expert handling of the material conditions of human existence also demanded, manipulation of consciences, as a necessary condition for expanding hegemonic domination of capitalism. The development of scientific research and technological applications of knowledge gained, was the way to achieve it. Along the same lines, the need to produce a knowledge that was officially validated as absolute truth, as opposed to magical and religious knowledge led to the philosophers of the Enlightenment to legitimize the natural science model, as the basis of any authoritative scientific practice. Scientific knowledge of the natural world, human and social enrolled since then in the structure of social relations of production and expression strength was hegemonic sectors.Ítem La etnogénesis: un estudio de caso sobre la identidad en Quitirrisí, Costa Rica(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Ornat Clemente, RaquelThe process of indigenous identity building and self-affirmation, named etnogénesis, that has been observed during three years at Quitirrisí are presented. We would like to offer to the reader a reflection about the most representative cultural elements to understand this process: the social, political and economical background of the community (power nets), the identitarian feeling of its members and the language (cultural elements) of the ethnogenesis whose voices and echoes of communitarian utopias arise in a given historical context.Ítem La información espacial e iconográfica en la investigación antropológica(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Hernández C., EnriqueThe professional exercise of anthropological investigation has made to experiment different forms of relationship and capture of realities that have been taken like study objects. Each case, makes important exercises of exploration and design of strategies, procedures and technics that make possible to know, to organize, to analyze and to interpret those realities. The opportunity to make the investigation, “Identidad cultural en Llano Grande de Pacayas”, let me think about the importance to promote the discussion related to the resources of investigation that at the present are used by anthropologies, to evaluate its impact, to share experiences. Spatial and iconographic information is a kind of knowledge in constant relation with anthropology. For this reason the proposed study offers a first approach to its delimitation and comprehension, definition, uses, characteristics, and limitation of that information.Ítem Los derechos culturales: un acercamiento a su contenido programático y aplicabilidad normativa(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Montero Mora, Freddy MauricioThe following article gets up an explanation of the main programmatic axis themes contained in the cultural rights matter, it analyzes as well the conceptual, contextual and administrative limitations that have restrained the applicability of these rights into the different United Nations countries own political jurisdictionÍtem Un vistazo hacia la antropología del consumo(2013-07-04 16:29:49) Valverde Solano, MelvinThe purpose of this article is to show a new field of study for de Anthropology in Costa Rica. If truth that the Anthropology of consumption is not new tendency, but in our country has been few studied or nothing. This article is theoretician nature and showing how many basic concepts for to know the task, the importance and de applications or this subdicipline. It is analyze about the difference between consumption, consumerism, consuming and consumerist, with the purpose of clear which are the focus or interest for the Anthropology of consumption. Finally, it is reflection about the role of the publicity with agent of the modifications of the consumption patterns and not with the universal generator of this cultural conduct.