Recent Submissions

  • Road accident analysis 

    Ávila González, Bernald (2014-09-30)
    The handling and care of a traffic incident better known as "traffic accident” is a process which can be seen in a number of positions and in which the elements involved in the accident are in succession, until it produces ...
  • Stochastic analysis of continuously reinforced concrete pavements 

    Leiva Villacorta, Fabricio; Vargas Nordcbeck, Adriana (2014-09-30)
    Continuously reinforced concrete pavements are rigid pavements that are reinforced with steel bars in the longitudinal direction and are built without transverse joints. In this type of pavements it is important to control ...
  • Proposal for municipalities and local governments pavement management systems 

    Sotil Chávez, Andrés (2014-09-30)
    The following paper provides a proposal for a Pavement Management System for municipalities and/or local government with low funds, and from which a further sophistication can take place.The paper has the main objective ...
  • Emulsion primers, their contribution to bonding 

    González Sburlati, Rubén Osmar; Sapei, José (2014-09-30)
    Asphalt irrigation in its various types, performs specific functions in the structure of a road during the construction phase or their service life. In particular, the so-called "Irrigation Primer " is used in underlying ...
  • Comparative characterization of aggregates obtained from igneous rocks used in road construction 

    Chiman, Alexei; Chiman, Larissa; Sanabria Grajales, Luis Enrique; Correa Avello, Jhon Wilson (2014-09-30)
    The performance of mineral aggregates in road construction asphalt mixtures, specifically depends on a complex interaction of factors including geological component (rock type, and general mineralogical variation of mineral ...